Chapter 1 - Father

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I walk into the ballroom, looking at my mother and father waltzing, they actually looked happy for once, until my father saw me...

"What are you doing here?!" He shouted at me.

"I have chores in the ballroom sir, I've finished the ones everywhere else in the castle.." I said, choking back fear.

"Get out! Go polish the kitchen utensils, we will be having a dinner party later!" He shouted at me once again, annoyance and anger glued to his face. I nod before walking away quickly, not looking back at him. Everytime he yells at me, mother never says anything, I could only assume she is just as fearful of him as I am. But of course, there's no way for me to know exactly what she thinks of him. However, I know exactly what my siblings think of him, they told me how they felt about him after I read to them every night, as per my usual chore, except it's the only one I enjoy, I'd like to think I'm the mother figure in their lives, my mother has always been mostly absent in our lives. My train of thought is put to a halt when my little brother, Alexander, bursted through the kitchen doors, then ran over to me.

"Mama! Can you read to us now?" He asked, pulling on my arm.

"I'm sorry Alexander, but I'm in the middle of cleaning and I'm afraid father wouldn't be pleased if I disobeyed his orders.." I responded, frowning.

"Then hurry! We want you to read to us! Please!" He said, continuing to pull on my arm, dragging out the 'E' in please.

"Alright, alright.." I said chuckling. "I'll hurry." I add, giving him a sweet smile. But then, father bursted through the door.

"Are you polishing the utensils as I asked, Amelia?" He asked, staring at me coldly.

"Yes sir, I'm almost finished, then Alexander would like for me to read to him and Astoria." I responded, continuing to polish the utensils. I look back up to him, staring at me coldly.

"Very well, they don't need to be at the party anyways, too much discussion of war and such." He said, before walking away.

I smile to myself as I finish polishing the utensils, then looking to my brother. "All done!" I said loudly, then smiling.

"Yay! Finally!" He responded, then dragging me by the arm up to his room, then grabbing a book. He hands the book to me, then pushes me onto the chair as him and Astoria sit on the ground in front of me waiting for me to begin reading to them. I smile to myself, as I watch them get excited for their favorite book. I light a candle and place it on the side table beside the chair, and look out the window. Rain begins to hit the window like bullets, a loud, yet calming sound fills my ears. Now this, is peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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