Before Reading

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Note this is a crude story I may edit later, based upon an idea formed from the above song. It is enemies to lovers trope with a twist. Read to your own detriment lol.

For world building purposes, this takes place in modern times but the existence of "supers". Most are a form of genetic superiority but there are also angels and demons. These are spirit beings that can not directly interact with the human world. There is a few half demons (because they break rules) and Sonali is one of them. 

Sonali, aka the Black Knight, is considered a villain by most of middle and upper society, destroying government property, killing off politicians, and basically uprooting things. 

Jamison, aka Bullet, is a public and top ranking hero. He doesn't keep a secret identity but does keep it casual in public and people don't freak out too much. He is close with the politicians and the president, and the Black Knight is his biggest enemy. 

Please enjoy and let me know any plot holes to fill lol, this will be a short novella.

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