Chapter 6

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Jethro and his three companions layed down, sprawled out across the roof of one of the buildings overlooking the square.

Three days had passed since their arrival, and everyday their target had followed the same routine. He left the division around mid-day, went to the same tapcaf, ordered the same meal, and returned to the division. It was like clockwork.

"This is a waste of time," Dom hissed. "We could be on our way back by now."

Jethro watched as the Quarren made his way across the square. It occurred to him for the first time that he looked scared.

His head twitched as he glanced all around himself. Every muscle was tensed as if he were ready to bolt at a moment's notice, and his gate was hurried.

"Not yet."


"Just keep an eye on him. Don't engage."

"What are you going to be doing?"

"I'm going to take a look at that lab."

"That's not the mission."

"I don't care. Something about this mission stinks worse than a nerf herd."

Jethro wormed his way back from the edge of the roof and headed for the edge where they had climbed from the alley below.

"Wish me luck."

"This is against mission protocols."

"Screw protocols."

And with that, Jethro disappeared over the edge of the roof.

"Why are we listening to him?" Dom asked.

"Because he's the Jedi," Leadfoot answered.

"We didn't need a Jedi before."

"Come on, we don't want to lose him."

Leadfoot jogged to the place Jethro had disappeared and started over the edge himself.

"Oh, for the love of..."

Leadfoot never got to hear the end of Dom's retort. He was over the edge before the words had finished leaving his mouth.

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