Creativity Is Dead

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Warning: This one-shot is not really dark but it kinda is i guess, contains cursing, and characters suffering from psychological handicaps. No, it doesn't contain anything sexual. 

'Your mind is a gift, do good with it and the world will thank you.' 

Ha... If it was a gift then why does it feel like it's a curse?

Why, oh why, oh why... do I have this so-called 'gift' 

It was useless to begin with..

Tch, I wish I was just dead.

"Miss Lune?"

I turned to look at my therapist-slash-psychologist.

"Ahem, What were you thinking about?" She smiled.



I didn't bother talking any longer since I know that she wouldn't understand any of it.

I know so, because I have already talked to numerous therapists and this woman is just one of them.

"I see, Have you had any negative thoughts?"

"Heh... All I have are thoughts, miss katherine. And all there is in this world is bad."

I took my bag and left.

How annoying, I thought she was a professional but all she asked the past few days were the same questions! How can anyone think that this will make me feel better?

Screw society, I'd rather be an honest person rather than be a fake china doll.

I went straight to work and met with my writer.


"What in the hell is this?!"

It's been a month and a half and this is what she gives me?!

"I-It's the new plot I've been working on.." she said about to fall into tears but I didn't bother and looked through her manuscript again.

"Hah! This is trash! It's cliche and dont even get me started-- It's just like every other story, A romance story about a CEO and a barbie!"

I continued ranting and ranting about her unoriginality and her lame storytelling.

"And please! Even the characters are boring, I thought you would atleast make the characters interesting or attractive to pull in readers but I guess I can't even expect that from you."

I sighed and threw the papers on the table.


The silence was loud enough to hear her pathetic cries and her heart beating fast.

"You're a decent writer, Val.. but you postponed your biggest hit, Faceless Euphoria for this! The least you could do was atleast give me something."

She nodded slowly, took her manuscript and left.

"Sheesh, 'noona' (older sister or older woman) you really scared the shit out of her, haha!"

I rolled my eyes at Shin, "You're in America so you might as well speak the language properly and don't call me noona."

I went to my computer and started editing the new chapter emailed by my other writers.


I sighed as I finished the last of them.

I checked the time and it was already 6 pm and I went home just as usual.

I've been doing this for four and a half years, going to therapy, work, home, drink, therapy, work, home, drink and the same thing the next day.

Sigh, I just wish everything just went as planned back then and everything would be the same as I imagined.

Why did everything change? Or the right wording should be... how did everything change?

I opened the lock to my house and didn't even think of it anymore.

Life is just full of shit anyway.

I scrolled through a book app and looked through stories made by 'in the rough' authors.

I sighed as I read the descriptions.

It's hard to find diamonds in a pile of rock these days, most of these are just plastic anyway.

I took a bottle of beer from the kitchen and poured it on the glass.

Sigh, I'm much better than these kids.

But why? Why aren't I a writer if I'm better?

Hah! That's cause there wasn't anyone who scouted me or saw my potential.

How annoying!

My mother always said that I would be the next shakespeare! So why?! WHY?!




Creativity is dead.

And so am I.


"Excuse me, you're Shin Min right?"

"Ah yes, I am."

"I see, do you happen to know what happened to Miss Lune on March 24?"

"Well, before.. Y'know, She went to work on 10 am just as always coming from her daily therapy."


"Ah, yes. Her mother was a drug addict and an alcoholic and would always abuse her when she was young that caused her to have severe trauma."

"I thought her mother was the famous writer, Miss Aster Flamell?"

"Yes she is."

"I see, so the rumors were true. Can I ask for her psychiatrist's name and number?"

"Ah yes, Her name's Katherine Anderson."


"Are you Katherine Anderson?"

"Ah, yes.. what do you need?"

"I'm here to investigate Miss Lune's suicide. Tell me everything you know about her."

"She had Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the way she's living must have caused her to kill herself."

"I see, Does she have any other disorders? I heard her mother abused her."

"Well, PTSD and depression, the usual thing."

"What about her mother?"

"She had severe psychosis, Anxiety disorder and borderline personality disorder. She was crazy and so was her mother, it's in the blood."

"Like mother like daughter."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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