chapter 1

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Has anyone ever noticed that on the first day of school things never go as planned ,at the end of the last school year you probably had a goal or plan for the next year in school whether it to lose weight , change your closet or a general all round glow up like me . Firstly i got rid of my braces and swapped my glasses for contacts and i spent the whole holiday watching make up and natural hair styling tutorials and I think I'm getting very good at it now . I wake up feeling excited which is very strange for a school day , I took a shower and loosened my twists putting my hair in a high bun before applying light make up and puting on a cute blue crop top , a mid thigh length black leather skirt and black boots . I hurry down stairs and greet my mom before taking an apple and dashing out of the house.

Once i park my car in the parking lot , as I approached the building i find all eyes on me and i can't help but feel a little uncomfortable until i find my best friend Devi "Hey bitch" she says happily with a huge smile on her face "hi hi" i reply giving her a hug . We spend some time talking about our holiday before heading to class.

When lunch time rolled up we took our food and sat with a bunch of our other friends ;Meg and her boyfriend Devin , Beth and her twin brother Bobby , and Lennon ,"Hey Devi who is your new friend "said Lennon eyeing me lustfully "perv stop looking at Shine like that " said Devi in a warning tone , the look of shock was evident on everyone's face except Devi of course "Damn girl you look so different "said Meg "Thank you?" I said kinda clueless about what to say .

After lunch and the few remaining classes i dropped Devi at home and drove to an ice cream shop to get some cookies and cream ice cream. As i walked i accidentally bummed into a tall muscular figure spilling his ice cream all over is black shirt "oh my gosh I'm so sorry " i said immediately , he didn't reply and instead he gave me a foul look and turned around heading towards the bathroom , i tried to catch up with him and make him forgive me and i followed him into the bathroom "what do you want from me " he said obviously getting annoyed " i just want to apologise and get you another ice cream " he glared at me while i tried to keep myself from crying "fine" he said in a deep tone " what's your name " i asked nicely"Tyson"he said lowly "nice......."i begun "nice name blah blah please can you get out unless you want to see me shirtless " i quickly exited the room even though I wouldn't mind seeing him shirtless .
I waited for him outside l the door and when he came out i bought him i new ice cream in my favorite flavor and persuaded him to sit with me , he had an unpleasant look on his face "Tyson can you calm down, i already said sorry and got you a new ice cream can you just forgive me and we can be friends , infact let's play 21 questions " i said and he looked at me like i was crazy "listen angel eyes i have no interest in being friends with you okay?" With that he got up and walked out , leaving be shocked.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter it's quite short but bear with me it's my first book . Thanks guys❤️😁

✨Shine✨Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu