S1 Chapter 4- Drop Zone

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And now we heard the alarms blare in a warehouse, complete with Red bubbling fluid in every tank and the source of the alarm is a group of intruders is Bane and 2 other men surrounded by guards on the ground and guards on the catwalks cocking their rifles and then A Cobra agent said as he tells the trapped trespassers "Nuestro Maestro sublime proclama que él saldrá de esta instalación... si...uno de ustedes derrota a su campeón en combate singular" (our sublime Master proclaims he will depart this facility...if... one of you defeats his champion in single combat)

But then Bane said as he pushes aside the foot soldiers that came with him, walking to the gated door with pride and as Buzzer goes off m Bane holds the door then he shoves the door open and walks in "Solo que se interesante" (just make it interesting) and then the soldier smirks as the door shuts behind Bane

And Inside Bane sees that there are many more soldiers on the interlocking catwalks which all of them armed with rifles and then a buzzer goes off which draws the bodybuilder's attention to the door on the other side of the arena and we now 2 people stand Both of them Blonde/Brunettes with Black pants, boots and Blue tank tops that cut off to expose their Stomachs but only the Male walks through but he's Thin which gets Bane's attention then in confusion.

But behind Bane we see a black gauntlet with Red tubes on it attached to a long clear tube fall to the floor and then Bane said as he picks it up while he was confused "Me devuelto mi mayor arma cuál es el truco" (you give me back my greatest weapon what's the catch) then the soldier said "Ningún truco no sería una prueba de la destreza de su campeón si no estuviera en su mejor" (no catch It would hardly be a test of his champion's prowess if you were not at your best)

And then Bane said as he attaches the gauntlet then he activates the Venom feed as he connects to the back of his Head which his Pupils dilating as he grunts while the Venom flowing through his Body and as it finishes Bane is panting and turning towards his opponent before he cracks his Neck "Quieres mi mejor Lo conseguiste" (you want my best you got it) but then his opponent hasn't moved though until the Girl behind him steps up with a Needle gun filled with a Purple Serum which she injects into his Shoulder and the effect is immediate which his Eyes shrink to pinpricks as his Hair stands nearly on end then he stumbles forward his Head held in his Hands as he falls to his Knees and then his Shoulder grows massively ripping his Shirt but as Bane watches closes the Choker around the Male's Neck rips off as he grows Fangs while his Body grows to match his Arm's size and his Skin turn Green/Grey with Red slashes the Girl closes the Door.

Then as Male was panting and getting off his knees and charges at Bane with a roar then the downward punch is caught Bane slides a Foot or so back but he doesn't fall returning the feat with a solid uppercut to his opponent's Jaw The cross Bane throws to his Chest does nothing and he smirks down at Bane

And the Male Grabs the back of Bane's neck in his hand before uppercutting him in the stomach hard enough to knock the wind out of him and then following up with another uppercut and a cross to Bane's face before he can fully fall back Bane is grabbed by his wrist and thrown into the wall and Landing on all 4 and his head on his Arm and leaving no room to react Bane is hit again and as he stands then denting the pipe behind him shut and increasing the pressure in the pipe exponentially which steam envelopes the 2 as Bane is grabbed by the back of his neck again and thrown out of the steam. His opponent jumping after him nailing Bane in the face hard enough to create a Bane-sized crater under him and as The power of the strike brings some people to stop, even one looks away we see Bane groans then falling unconscious and then the soldier said before he saying louder "Hail Kobra Hail Kobra" and above them Kobra said as they're stands arms crossed and pleased while they all begin to chant "Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra" and outside we see the facility and  even more Kobra followers, guarding the entire island

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