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Harry was walking back to the common room hours later.
He was exhausted.
Quinditch practice had completely drained any kind of energy he had in him, so he packed up his stuff and almost  flew to his dorm.

Before that, he noticed two things in front of the Griffindor common room portrait;
A golden honey bear bottle, and a small note.
He halted and stood over the two things in front of him on the floor and dropped his bag to his side.

He kneeled down and reached out to the note.
And he read;

Dear Potter,
Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at midnight today, don't be late.

Harry folded the note and shoved it into his pocket, then picked up the bottle and continued his way towards the common room, to ask for advice from his best friends.

"Moonstone powder" he muttered, as the portrait opened for him to get in.

As he stepped in, he looked up at the people crowding the room.
And there they were, Ron and Hermione huddled in the corner of a couch, both reading 'Quinditch weekly'.

They're so adorable together.
Harry thought, making his way to the couple.

"Hey guys, guess what"
He smiled.
Ron and Hermione looked up at the same time, smiling at their friend.
"Hey Harry, where have you been?"
asked Ron, seemingly recently out of the shower, wearing his 'R' sweater.
"I was just distracted while walking, sorry I'm late."
He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, with the hand he was holding the bottle.

"Oh Merlin, do you have another one?" Asked Hermione, who had been studying him while the two boys were talking.
"Oh this?" He pointed out the bottle. "Yeah, I found it outside the common room just now."

Hermione turned to Ron and shot him a knowing smile.
Ron smiled back, returning the knowing gaze.
Harry looked at them in utter confusion.
"Do you know something I don't?"
He questioned, tilting his head slightly.

He tried to continue, but paused when Dean attacked him with a hug -kinda- from the back.

"Harry! Did you see it?"
Seamus yelled.
"Yes did you see it? We left it there for you! Malfoy even said hi!"
Yelled Dean peaking from behind his boyfriend.

Uttered Harry, confused to Dean's statement.
Malfoy said hi?

Ron and Hermione were throwing daggers to the two boys, as not to talk about what had happened.

"Oh yeah, sorry Hermione, forgot he's not supposed to kno- mphgh!"
Dean was cut by Seamus, shuting him up by putting a hand over his mouth
"Shut up Dee."
He glared at the other boy as he dragged him away.

"Bye guys, see you at dinner!"
Seamus shouted.
Tried to yell Dean, earning another glare from his boyfriend, who was dragging him to their dorm.

Ron looked at the pair in disbelief and confusion, as he then, focused back at Harry.
"Care to elaborate?" Said Harry, blushing slightly, but still angry.

"We uhh-" He glanced at Hermione for help. "We just thought, you know- that you talked to Malfoy"
You could see from a mile away that Ron was just making up something.
Hermione elbowed him hard on the side and he doubled over in pain.

"Should we head down to dinner?"
Hermione smiled dangerously.
"Y-yes, yes, of course Mione, let's go"
Stuttered Harry as he got up and also helped his best friend to do the same.

HONEY BEARS- drarryWhere stories live. Discover now