Chapter one

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"You are joking, aren't you?" Jonnie asked me, looking in the same direction as me.

"No. It would look totally great on me," I said, walking to the dress I'd just seen.

"As if you get paid enough for it."

"So. May I please point out that if I want it, I take it," I said, taking the dress off the rack and walking to a mirror.

I held the dress up in front of me, admiring myself.

"You have to admit Jo, I'd look amazing," I said, imagining me in the dress, with my blonde hair curled around my shoulders.

"Okay, what's his name?" Jo asked.

"There isn't anyone. Can't I look good for myself?" I asked.

"Okay, so he works with us."

"What? No!" I said.

"I know him. A lot."

"No, you don't know him."

"Well first, you admited that he exists, and second, I definitely know him well."

"Jo, just shut up." I started walking away from Jonnie, taking the dress with me to the check-out desk.

Jo thought as we walked to the desk. "Who do we hang out with? Is it one of the twins? Or one of the five downstairs workers we know? No, it's one of the other twins, the short ones."

"It is not!" I said in exasperation.

"Oh, it totally is," Jonnie said with a grin on her face. "I bet it's the one with green eyes."

"Blue, not green," I said without thinking.

Jonnie just grinned triumphantly.

"Shit. How do you always do that?" I asked, putting the dress on the desk.

"I'm amazing."

The man behind the desk scanned the dress then told me the price. I turned to him and got him to stare into my eyes. I made him think that I'd payed and he put the dress into a bag for me. He gave me the bag and I smiled at him and said thanks.

Jo and I turned to leave.

"So, what about you?"

"What about me?" Jo asked.

"Who do you have your eye on?"

"No one. Have you even met the guys that we work with? Utter pigs."

"Which is why I saw you the other night with Ath." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"He's still a pig. I didn't have my eye on him. The other way around. He doesn't understand what happend if you kiss me when I don't want you to. Well, he didn't know then. He does now."

Jonnie is a fiery vampire. She's really pretty so a lot of the guys are into her. Her hair is long, half way down her back, and is very, very dark. Her eyes are blue and the closer you look at them, you realise that they get darker the closer to the pupil they are. She's also tall, taller than a lot of the other vampires.

"So, you like Ray, right?"

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