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Do you know the song Memory from the musical Cats? I've listened to the version sung by Lucy Thomas (Elain Page is amazing, of course, but I love the sweet, innocent voice of that young girl). I won't speak of the film because I haven't watched it yet and I doubt I'll do it soon.

This is ..ok, I don't know how to explain it. Flashes from a new story adapted to the lyrics of the song. Some sort of trailer, but it's for a story. If one of you can do a video on youtube using the song and images from BBC Merlin, I'll be very happy. Just let me know, so I can watch it.


Not a sound from the pavement

Has the moon lost her memory

She is smiling alone

(Memory, Lyrics Andrew Lloyd Webber))

Merlin was sitting alone on the bank of the lake. It was deep silence. There was only him and the cold, silent moon. The birds had long stopped singing in the forest. Even the lake was quiet, too. He felt empty. There was no energy left in his body. No place to go. No reason to stay. Only thousands of memories rolling inside his head.

He couldn't return to Camelot. Not without Arthur. He'd promised he would bring Arthur back and so, he would put his feet behind those heavy stone gates again only when Arthur would be back. Till then, he would need to find another home.

Home. There was no home for him.

In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet

And the wind begins to moan

The summer had passed and autumn came. The leaves started to wither and the night was just a reflection of the ice inside his very soul. Alone in the night, Merlin strolled on the empty streets while the leaves collected at his feet. Then the wind began to moan, blowing the feeble lights that lit the cold streets. Yet the warlock didn't turn back. Night. He loved the night. Only then could he smile at the memory of long-gone days.

As lonely and cold as him a ghost followed him down the stone streets of the town.

Memory, all alone in the moonlight

I can smile at the old days

I was beautiful then

I remember the time I knew what happiness was

Let the memory live again.

Morgana strolled on the empty streets that reminded her of so long gone days. Days she'd been happy. Nights when she'd thought herself the most unhappy creature and yet she'd never known how fortunate she was to have someone to caress her and help her go back to sleep.

Gone were the days when Gwen would come when she would call her at night. Gone were the beautiful flowers from her chambers. Gone was her arrogant, childish brother. Gone the cheerful servant  Arthur would keep teasing on every occasion.

She remembered the long-gone days. Days when she'd been so beautiful. So happy. So loved.

But in the cold autumn night, strolling on foreign streets, those memories could live again. And the town became Camelot and her torn dress, a dress fit for a queen. And Gwen, her friend.

And then, in the magic of the night, she saw her blonde brother come to her. He smiled and she smiled too.

Every street lamp seems to beat

A fatalistic warning

Someone mutters and the streetlamp gutters

And soon

It will be morning

There was a sense of danger in the air as the night started to fight with the day. New soldiers replaced the old guard and Merlin slowly dragged his feet towards his chambers. Alone, at his lonely table, he started to look over the reports of the day.

Very soon it would be morning.


I must wait for the sunrise

I must think of a new life

And I mustn't give in

When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too

He didn't feel like going to sleep. He wanted to be there. To live every moment of the night because when tomorrow came, the night would be a memory, too.

There in the coziness of his own chambers, he would wait for the sunrise. And he would look forward to a new life. Not an easy one. But dangerous and beautiful and his own.

Burnt-out ends of smoky days

The stale cold smell of morning

The street lamp dies, another night is over

Another day is dawning

Touch me

It's so easy to leave me

All alone with my memory

Of my days in the sun

If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is

Look, a new day has begun

The sun shone warm between the wet trees of the forest. From the top of the castle, Merlin could watch the sun go up from the trees. It was warm and encouraging. He missed his friends. But the sun would take good care of them.

Silently, Morgana entered the room. She was bored of walking on empty streets. She missed the sun. She missed the warmth. She missed life.

A new day had come, but did it come for her, too?

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