♡13 ♡

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"WHAT?! Are you joking?"

Raven rolled her eyes.

"Yes Beastboy I'm tottttalllly just kidding," she responded sarcastically as she pointed to the puddle on the floor.

"Stay here. I'll get the doctor," Beastboy said as he ran to get Dr. Addie.

Soon Beastboy returned with a team of nurses who were pushing a hospital bed.

When they got to Raven, they helped place her on the bed and they pushed it quickly into one of the maternity rooms. Once they got there, one of the nurses got 2 hospital gowns and gave them to Beastboy.

"Each of you put one on. We will get everything prepared. We will be back later to get you ready for surgery and you will meet Dr. Addie in the operating room."

The first contraction hit Raven and she yelled at the sudden pain. She gripped onto her stomach and the lights in the hospital flickered several times.

"I can't control my powers when I'm in this much pain. The whole hospital is going to be wrecked if this keeps happening," Raven warned.

"I will go get an epidural for you. That will help until we can get you to the operating room," the nurse replied before rushing out of the room.

Beastboy helped Raven into a hospital gown and then placed his gown over his clothes.

"Well I guess you got your wish. You get to have your old body back today," Beastboy said with a smile.

Raven smiled back.

"I can't wait."

Beastboy made a quick call to the titans to tell them the news. They were all excited, but panicked. Just like how Beastboy and Raven were feeling... but not as extreme of course.

There was a knock at the door. An anesthesiologist and nurse came in to administer the epidural. When Raven saw it she gulped.

She may be the most powerful person on earth and arguably the most powerful in this dimension, but she still wasn't a fan of needles. Especially giant ones that go into your spine.

Suddenly another contraction hit.

She gripped her stomach.

"JUST PUT IT IN ME! ... please."

"That's what she said..." Beastboy whispered as quiet as possible.

Raven heard and smacked his head... hard.

They had Raven sit on the edge of the bed and Beastboy held her hands in support. One of the nurses held Raven very still while the anesthesiologist administered the epidural.

"Ok Raven. It's done. It will start working in 10 minutes or so. Is it ok if we administer a light dose of anesthesia and pain relief so that you and the hospital are both safe?"

"Yes. That's probably a good idea."

-10 minutes later-

A doctor knocked on the door and then came in.

"How are you feeling Raven?"

"So much better. I can barely feel the contractions anymore and I'm not scared that I'll blow things up," she said with a laugh.

"If you're ready, we can take you back to surgery now."

Beastboy and Raven looked at each other. Both held fear in their eyes, but they forced a smile.

"Yah. Let's do this." Raven told the nurse with confidence.


A baby's cry was heard echoing loudly through the room.

"Baby A is born! The boy!"

Raven and Beastboy both gasped and looked at each other.

The nurses quickly made sure the baby was breathing ok and was healthy and then swaddled him in a blanket and gently handed him to Raven.

"He's here! Rex is here! And he's green just like his daddy!" Raven said as tears flowed down her face.

She kissed his tiny face and held him close as beastboy rubbed his little back.

It wasn't too long before...

"And here is baby B! The girl!"

And just like that, their family was complete.

The room went silent when they realized that the baby wasn't crying. The nurses checked to make sure she was breathing ok.

"Don't be worried that she's not crying. She's a perfectly healthy baby!" A nurse said as she gave Wren to Raven. She was swaddled in a pink blanket and had on a pink hat with a bow on it.

"What color is her hair?" Beastboy asked.

Raven lifted up her hat slightly, revealing beautiful dark purple hair.

Wren yawned and then opened her eyes just barely, revealing her lilac eyes that resembled Raven's.

"She looks just like you," Beastboy said through tears.

"She really does, doesn't she?"

Raven closed her eyes and held the babies close, kissing them both on the head.

Wren started to squirm around.

"I think Wren wants her daddy to hold her now," Raven said.

Beastboy looked like he was going to explode from excitement and love. He pumped his fist in the air and then gently took wren off of Raven's chest.

"Hey Wren! Your daddy is holding you," he whispered to her.

She opened her eyes slightly and looked up at her dad. Tears silently ran down Beastboy's cheek as he held his daughter for the very first time.

He looked over at Raven, who was also crying.

"Gar look how precious he is," Raven said. She was beaming from the love and happiness.

Rex was softly crying and Raven was shushing him lightly. She rubbed circles on his back and he calmed down and fell asleep. Raven smiled down at him.

"Cutie," she whispered.

"You're already such a great mom, Rae."

"You think so?"

"I do."


"Ok Raven your c-section is complete! We will go ahead and push you into the recovery room now."

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