Back Story.

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The story behind Madeline Jereau is actually quite disturbing. One day she was at soccer practice, but never came home. Her parents were worried sick with the feeling that something might be wrong. And boy were they right. Turns out Madeline has been abducted by the family stalker who followed them from Quantico, Virginia, to Sydney, Australia. Her mother Jennifer and stepfather Will, have made a call to the FBI team back home to see if they can get help on finding their missing child. Meanwhile, at the house she was being held captive at, Madeline struggled with fear, as it has not done much good in her life. She kicked and thrashed her legs, trying to get them to untie. She pulled and pulled at her wrists trying to free them. She did what her mother had told her. Stay calm, but no matter what, fight for your life. She spat at the duck tape, trying to get it to lose the sticky ness, when she got thumped upside the head with the opposing end of a knife. She winced in pain, for she already had bruises in the same spot. She kept trying to become free, when all she earned was another thump upside the head. "If you really wanna get free, you will have to do what I tell you." It was him. This crazy, manipulative, sociopath that held her hostage. She knew not to listen. He pulled this one on her so many times. She rolled her eyes. He thumped her again. This time with more force. She let out a small, murmured groan. The pain was finally getting to her. But that's when he did the incredible. He took the duck tape off. "Now, Madeline. If you don't do what I tell you to, you will face consequences. Severe, mind throbbing consequences." She glared at him. "The only thing I will be doing for you is turning you in when my mom finds me." She spat, unaware he kept creeping his hand towards her face. "Touch me, and I swear on my life god will decide to punish you at that exact moment." He placed a hand on her cheek. He stroked her cheek softly, then brought his fingers to her lips and traced them. She took the opportunity to bite him. Hard. He started bleeding instantly. "You little-.. Your gonna pay." He grabbed her out of the chair she was sitting in and dragged her by her hair to a dark room. She felt her clothes being ripped off. " Dear God. If you exist now is the time to prove it." She begged. "God can't help you now." She closed her eyes. She let out a scream as she new she was being raped. She woke up hours later, unable to remember what happened besides that she needed to get out of there. She put a hand up to her head where something warm was dripping from it. She instantly pulled back by the pain, but looked at her now blood covered fingers. She looked around the room and saw a bloody baseball bat lying on the floor with a dent the size of heer head in it. She heard a car door slam and drive away. This is her chance. She got up to the unlocked door, and ran for the front door. She looked around the front lawn to make sure the kidnapper wasn't here. And off she went . Back to freedom. She ran down the streets that got her to her old , little yellow house. As she neared her house, and walked up the steps, for once she felt safe again. She opened the door and walked in. But to her surprise, none of the faces rang a bell. But they all knew her.

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