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I sat there tapping my foot, listening to the other patients share there story for the millionth time. "Thank you, Thomas for sharing your devastating story. We are all very sorry. Now, today I would like to inform you that we will be having visitors." Shannon, the the counsler announced, as there was a knock on the door. "Mrs. Alan, we have visitors waiting in the lobby." The secretary said, putting her head through the door. "Thank you. Thats them. I will be right back." Shannon said walking out of the room. I looked at my best friend, Melanie, and gave her an annoyed smile. We've had visitors before, but trust me. They all either sucked, from what I could remember, or tried saying they knew what we were going through. But come on. How many people in the world have been raped and struck in the head by a metal baseball bat, which let me say gave me the long term amnesia I deal with now, by their family stalker who followed them when they moved to a different country? Probably not many. Melanie gave me a smile back as Shannon walked back in the room. "Today, our visitors will be performing an original song of theirs. Please welcome, Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, and Ashton Irwin, from 5 Seconds Of Summer." In walked four boys holding guitars, and one with a small drum. This should be good. They all sat down, when a boy with colorful hair started talking. "Hi, guys. My name is Michael Clifford, and I just wanna say that I don't know what your going through, and I'm not gonna lie about that. But I am really sorry about everything that has happened to make you have to come here, which doesn't help. It only reminds you of everything that has happened. Anyways, we're going to be singing an original song, and we hope you like it." They started singing a catchy tune. Until they sang a part I wish I never heard. "I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia." I felt the tears start, and I got up and ran out of the room. I heard someone follow me out. I thought it was Melanie, so I turned around and walked to her open arms. "Its not funny." I sobbed, until I felt the arms wrap tighter around me, only to find out they were bigger then Melanie's. I pulled out of the grasp. "You're not Melanie!" I yelled. I jumped back, and saw the full figure of the colorful haired boy. I kept crying and taking steps backwards. "Listen! I'm sorry! I didn't know that song would upset you!" He yelled, his voice thick with an Australian accent. "For God's sake, I have amnesia! Its not funny to say you want to wake up with it! I can't remember anything that happened before the attack! I couldn't even remember my family when I escaped!" I screamed at him. "I didn't know..." He trailed off. "What's your name?" "Madeline. Madeline Jereau. Why?" "Well, just hear me out. I'm Michael. I don't know your story besides that you have amnesia. Okay? At first I didn't know that. And I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you." He said, walking closer to me. I burst into an even bigger sob. He closed the space between us, and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry. Please stop crying. I didn't know. I'm so so sorry, Madi." I pulled away a little to look at him. Barely anyone called me Madi. "Listen. I don't even know you." I said, pulling away from the hug for good. Where was Melanie when I need her? I turned around and walked out of the Therapy Center's front doors. I need to get out of there. Too many memories came back of the attack when I was in there. I didn't have a car so I decided to just walk home. It was only five blocks. As I walked I started to think about everything that just happened. It was starting to get dark, so I started to walk faster. But then a car slowed down next to me. I knew he would come back for me. I started to run. "Madi! Cmon. Its me Michael. Just let me at least give you a ride home. It's the least I can do." I turned around. "Who the hell are you?!" I screamed at this kid. He looked me straight in the eye, clearly confused. "Madi? Are you okay?" He asked. Who is this guy? "I don't know you!" I said turning around and walking away as quickly as possible. "Madi? Its Melanie. Cmon, girl. Its okay you can get in the car with us." I turned back around to see Melanie in the passenger seat, sticking her head outside of the window. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I walked to the car and got in the backseat. As Melanie gave directions to this new kid, I kept wondering who he was. "So who are you exactly?" I asked. He kept his mouth shut and his eyes on the road. As we pulled up to my house, I heard Rainbow Hair ask Melanie something offensive. I was starting to get out of the car as he asked. "What happened to her?" He asked, concern coating his voice. "When she gets really sad, angry, stressed, confused, or scared, it can trigger her brain to make her forget whats making her feel like that. And that's how the amnesia comes back. But when you get to know her for a while, then her brain starts to remember you and she doesn't forget you as easily as other people." I rolled my eyes as the most common question came up. "How long does that take?" He asked. "Maybe a day, maybe a year. There is no exact date saying that she will remember you from now on." He got a sad look on his face. "Will she be okay?" Melanie shook her head yes. "Can I get yours and her number? So I can stay in contact? I know I just met her, but I think I'm starting to like her all ready. There is something about her. I don't know what, but wadda ya say?" Boy does this kid ask a lot of questions. Talk none the less. "Sure." Melanie said with a smile. She took his phone from his hands, and typed something in it. "Bye, Michael." She said as the boy drove off. " How'd you meet him? He is really hot!" I laughed. "Today in therapy. You got a little upset and forgot it all. Him and a few of his friends were visitors today. They all sang." She said as we both walked into my house. "I bet they were good. Did I like it?" I asked, wanting to know more. "Let's not talk about this. You'll get upset again." She answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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