Chapter one

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He showered, i kept my eyes on him, serotonin coursing through my endocrine system. He slid the shower glass door aside, then the images on the screen were topsy turvy. He was moving.

He placed the iPad on the face basin area i assumed for he was looking straight ahead with a white towel, drying his hair, naked as the day he was born except for a gold chain around his neck and two knobs in his ears.

He came towards the Ipad and pulled up the song.

His ding-a-long was before my very eyes, he made a quick duck and grinned at me. He must have realized.

I love his energy.

He wrapped the milk white towel around his waist, perfect contrast to his chocolate skin, his penis imprint made me burst into peals of ecstatic laughter.

He danced, rocked his hips and his phallus dangled.

I thought if it so long and it dead.

The more he moved, it seemed to bulge more as if he was getting hard.

He advanced towards the camera and i got a good look at his tool.

He ducked again and grinned at me.

What a man!!!

He lowered his head and smiled. His face was close to the camera and he had a black paste like, glue looking thing on his face.

"Yuh like bathe wid me?" He asked as if we were in a physical space.

"Yes baby!" I heard myself say.

He took the Ipad up and he was using massaging the black mask onto his face.

"Me name baby now?" He replied.

"See wah yuh wah eeen?" Jason asked with a wide grin.

I replied with rings of laughter.

"U cah laugh een?" He asked with a sly smile.

He brought the Ipad to his face.

I saw that the hair on his face was growing back.

Looked like a three day stubble, he brought a Gillete branded shear to his cheeks, he glanced at the Ipad before the shear touched his jaw lining.

He was using the ipad as a mirror.

The hairs on his hand were pretty and laid flat against his dark skin.

I smiled.

I found the Dexta Daps song on Audiomack.

Vent. episode 2.

I would be playing it all day at home and in my van.

He stared at the camera on the Ipad with such intensity and a said to my surprise.

"A gwine give yuh some F@&$!"

I nearly died of laughter.

"Me a shave off me face!"

"Me soon call you back!"

He paused, look into the camera with a boyish grin on his face then the call ended.

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