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POV: Anna

A: come on we best leave
E: yeah
A: where are you staying I'll drive you ?
E: we'll I'm sharing an apartment with Kai
A: oh god. You can come back to our place
E: are you sure
A: I'm sure the girls will live to see you and make some content
E: you should make a tiktok
A: I don't know
E: are you still mad at me
A: eva your the reason I'm in collage and got to play football
E: how is that going for you ?
A: I don't think collage and football is for me anymore
E: really why
A: idk I guess I'm just not feeling it anymore
E: that's okay
A: come one let's go

We got in the car and started playing music.

*Play song if you want*

I was singing the lyrics. Subtly singing about eva lol. Anyways we arrived at our house

E: holy shit Anna y'all live here ?
A: yeah I decided to buy us a nice house bcs the girls are doing social media.
E: how's brad
A: he's leaving soon for collage but it's fine

We walked inside

Emma: Anna your back!!! Omg eva hi. GIRLS EVA IS HERE !!!!

They all came down

We all conversed and caught up properly.

Dev: god Olivia just can't keep it in her pants can she.
Eva: neither can Kai apparently
Dev: oh god I'm sorry
Eva: it's okay I've got better things to think about

She took a glance at me?

Dev: you guys wanna carry on the party here ?
Anna: I'm down
Everyone: yeah!
Dev: okay let's play truth or dare !
Karina: let's gooooo
Dev: okay I'll go first...... Cynthia truth or dare ?
Cynthia: dare
Dev : kiss the hottest person in the room

She walked over to dev and kissed her. It was funny.

Cynthia: okay my turn Sab truth or dare
Sab: truth
Cynthia : body count ?
Sab : your an asshole
Cynthia: 24
Dev: WHAT !!!!! Girl U been around
Sab: shut up anyways eva truth or dare
Eva: truth
Sab:Anna or Kai ?
Anna: wtf Sab
Sab: just a question
Eva: like in what sense?
Sab: in bed
Anna: oh my god
Eva: anna
Sab: I'm not surprised
Eva: anyways Anna truth or dare
Anna: truth
Eva: body count

I looked down. Idk if I'm embarrassed or what

Anna: 1

Eva looked shocked

Anna: my go dev truth or dare
Dev: I like all these truths so truth
Anna: who do you think would be the best in bed out of everyone here
Dev: girl you just want a big head
Anna: what?
Eva: god your slow she means you
Anna: ohhhhh...... wait really !?
Everyone laughed

We went on for awhile and we were getting tipsy now

Karina: okay anna out of you and brad who has received the most head

Brad covers his face and whispers

Anna: what's that brad
Brad : anna (whispers)
Anna: sorry I can't hear you
Brad: Anna okay !!!

We all laughed

Sab : I thought you only slept with one person
Anna: just bcs I didn't have sex don't mean I can't get something
Sab : who was the best head ?
Anna: hahaha I'm not saying
Dev: oh come on
Madi: you have to tell us
Anna: nope
Emma: anna I swear to god don't be dry
Anna: fine fine I'll give you a hint
Emma: okay
Anna: y'all know her
Emma: okay so it's eva. Now my turn to ask a question
Anna: hahahah
Eva: let's gooooo!!!!! Undefeated champion of the worrrrrrrrrlllllddddd EVA CUDMORE !!!!!
Emma: what's everyone's kinks !?
Dev: chocking !
Brad : back scraping
Eva: being degraded !!
Dev: that's a good one I won't lie
Sab: prolly the same. Anna what's yours

POV :eva
She's so like cool idk. The way she sits there so chill and like calm maybe mysterious. You don't know what's she's gonna say next

Anna: degrading
Dev: oop well Anna it's your lucky day there's a few girls here that might like that.
Anna: we'll I know emma likes to be degraded anyways
Anna: omg me and emma didn't have sex (laughing) I heard her and zack doing the nasty one night
Emma: I was about to freak I won't lie

After a while we decided to all go to bed.

Sorry for not posting for awhile. Trying to get ideas is hard when you keep forgetting abt the book. Thank you for reading. Didn't re read

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