Bruno is n̶o̶t̶ gone .1

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You were just 5 when Bruno was a teenager, while in the house he lived in, you always stared at him

You lived in the house mainly because you were found on the streets and took in by non other than the madrigals

You weren't apart of their family but they just raised you
Plus it would be really weird to have a crush on a family member
Witch was Bruno, Duh, You were never gonna get a gift like the other family members
But you liked it like that

Mainly because you won't have to deal with stress
ANYWAY! Bruno!

Bruno is all you liked to look at, except at the dinner table, that's when you start watching your food then

After a few years
It was pepas wedding and it was perfect until Bruno walked in and predicted their future

You found it nice he was looking out for them but everyone else took it a wrong way and hated him

After it he disappeared and you were sad, you never really looked at anything but him, so when he disappeared you really didn't know how the house looked like

So you stayed in your room
That's all you remembered
Oh well their is one more thing

Whenever it was Bruno's birthday you would ask Julieta to bake a cupcake and grab a candle from one of the cabinets with the houses help
(You always forget what cabinet has the candles in it)

And light it, once done you would sit at the dinner table and sing happy birthday (quietly) and blow out the candle

Once that's done you place the cupcake underneath the family tree and when you wake up it would always be gone

OKAY OKAY! You might have a ginormous crush on him to do that but whatever

Now You were 23 and Bruno has been gone for a while now

And it was Antonio's gift ceremony tomorrow so you were excited and now you were strolling along the kitchen, yeah yeah, i know

(Switching POV)

It's weird to look in the kitchen at 1 Am "admiring" I know!
But just why not! Plus I wanted to investigate something while the family was asleep, while having dinner with the madrigals i noticed a hole in the wall under the family tree

I walked to the hole and looked down, this is where I always put the cupcake on Bruno's birthday

I leaned down and closed my eyes to peek through but before I saw inside I felt a poke on my shoulder
I jumped and turned around to see Dolores

"Oh hey Dolores, didn't..didn't know you were up this late"

I said nervously as she just blinked and sat down at the table

"I seen you come in here, and then after a little while I could practically hear you THINKING of someone"

I gave her a 'really?' Look as she giggled

"You already know who I'm thinking about"

I said nudging her and she smiled and looked the other way


I could hear how smug she was about it and I sighed
She knew about my obsession for Bruno and whenever I was thinking about him she always had to tease me

"You gotta go to bed though, it's almost 2 and it's Antonio's gift ceremony tomorrow!"

I smiled at her and nodded

She got up and started to walk out when she slightly turned and said in a whisper

"I hear him"

A miracle ~| Bruno madrigal x reader |~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora