Where Did the Malfoys Hide? (LM)

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Lucius, Narcissa and Draco escape before the Aurors can find them after the Dark Lord has been destroyed. They find a hiding place, but will they stay there forever?

PS: This takes place right after the end of book 1. Y/N is only mentioned in this one shot. Ever wondered where the Malfoys had been hiding after Voldemort was destroyed? Read and find out!

Also: There's a Christmas Special of TKOTD series!

Word count: 1k

Published: 12/5/2021

Lucius is fighting off the members of the Order. He doesn't want to, but he has to. If only he could escape...

He then dodges the attacks and runs towards a nearby tree to hide. As he's catching his breath, he suddenly hears the angry voice of the Dark Lord.

"Enough! I am done with your foolish fight. Y/N, join me and I shall spare your friends. You have my word. Just destroy the Chosen One together with me" Voldemort says, waiting for the girl to answer.

Lucius huffs. The girl obviously won't do that.

He's surprised when the girl actually steps forward - however, not to join him. She tries to attack him with the powers of the pink diamond.

When it doesn't work, Hermione realises what needs to be done.

"But of course! Y/N, you will need both diamonds! And you will need Harry's help, too!" the girl exclaims.

As Voldemort gets angry and tries to strangle the Boy Who Lived, Y/N takes advantage of this and grabs the orange diamond from the Dark wizard as she punches him in the face.

Harry and Y/N then destroy him together.

Lucius sighs in relief. He's gone, the Dark Lord is finally gone.

He however starts to panic when the Aurors arrive. He needs to find his family and leave! He can't go to Azkaban, he just can't.

He looks at Y/N one last time from his hiding place before taking off. He didn't get to say goodbye, but it's for the best - hopefully, she will understand that.

He runs as he spots his wife and son. He then grabs them.

"We have to leave! The Aurors have arrived!" he exclaims, making sure no one sees them.

Nodding, Narcissa apparates the three of them to somewhere far away.

As they appear in the new location, they take a look at their surroundings. In front of them is an old-looking hut.

"Where are we?" Draco asks, looking confused.

Narcissa sighs. "Your father and I once found this place when we went for a walk. We figured it would be a good hiding place in case we ever needed it" she explains.

Lucius sighs as well. "Correct. Now, let's head inside in case there are people nearby" he says.

The three Malfoys then enter the hut. As they enter, they shiver. It's absolutely freezing in here.

The hut almost looks older inside than outside. It's rather small, but they will have to make it work. This will be their home for a while, after all.

Sighing once more, Lucius sits down on the worn-out leather chair by the fireplace. He can't help but wonder what their future will bring.

Will he ever see Severus again? And Y/N? He wonders if they were ever to cross paths again, would she be happy to see him? Or would she be angry with him for just leaving without saying goodbye?

Noticing her husband being deep in thought, Narcissa gently puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Lucius?" she asks.

"Hmm?" he questions, coming back to reality as he looks at his wife.

Narcissa gives him a sad smile. "I can tell you miss her. I do, too. I'm sure we will meet again someday" she reassures him.

Lucius slowly nods. He then thinks of something.

"But what if she returns to their dimension and never sets a foot in the Wizarding World ever again?" he questions, fearing that might happen.

Narcissa sighs. "I'm sure she will return, but I'm also sure she will go back to Hogwarts to visit the others. Well, mainly to visit Severus" she says as she chuckles.

Lucius chuckles as well. There's no way the Potions Master would let the girl leave him forever. Lucius bets that Snape can't go a day without thinking about the Keeper of the Diamond.

Draco then groans, interrupting his parents' train of thoughts. "I'm hungry" he whines.

Sighing, Narcissa looks inside the cupboards. The only thing inside is canned food.

"Well, this will have to do" she says, grabbing a can of baked beans.

She casts the Hot Air Charm to warm up the food. She then levitates three plates and cutlery onto the small dinner table. She gestures for them to sit down as she pours out the food onto their plates.

"Is this really all?" Lucius questions, not believing what's in front of him.

They would never eat something like this at the Manor.

Narcissa nods. "I'm afraid it is" she says.

Sighing, the three Malfoys start eating their meal.

Once they are finished, they decide to go to bed. However, there is only one bed.

"You two can take the bed, I'll take the couch" Lucius offers.

Narcissa looks at her husband. "Are you sure, Lucius? Your back will certainly hurt" she says, giving him a concerned look.

He smiles reassuringly. "I will be fine, Cissy. Go and get some sleep" he says, gesturing for them to enter the small bedroom.

Nodding, Narcissa and Draco enter the room. Lucius then lies on the couch and sighs. This will be a rough night.

Well, not only was it a rough night, but a cold one, too. Lucius transfigured an extra pillow into a blanket, but it definitely help. At all.

Ten months later, Lucius has finally had enough. They can't keep living like this. He's not even sure how they are still alive.

He heads to the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror. He can't even recognise himself - messy hair, tired eyes and a big beard. He almost looks like a caveman.

Sighing, he enters the living room which is also the kitchen. Oh, and the place where he sleeps.

He approaches his family. "I have had enough of this place. What do you say we finally leave?" he asks, looking determined.

Both Narcissa and Draco widen their eyes. "But Father, won't they find us if we do? Where could we possibly go?" the boy asks.

Lucius gives a tired smile. "To the only person we can trust. How about we visit a dear friend, your Godfather?" he suggests.

And so they do - they apparate to Spinner's End and knock on the door, the only place they can get help.

One Shots of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now