Pretend Girlfriend (part 2)

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“So you're the girl Reigen was talking about...” Reigen's mother said to the young woman infront if her.

“Yes, my name is L/N Y/N, you're son's girlfriend and it is nice to meet you Mrs. Reigen” you greeted

There was a short but long pause between you two and now Reigen is sweating bullets thinking that his mother didnt like you.

“I've never thought that my son could score someone as amazing like you! And no need for formalities just call me Auntie or however you like and come in you are very welcome inside the Reigen household!” his mother said happily.

“This is very embarrassing! I'm really sorry if we weren't able to prepare food because this visit was very unexpected.” Reigen's mother said as there were groceries still packed over the kitchen counter.

“Oh no worries! Allow me to help, are there any allergies that anyone has? I would like to cook lunch for everyone” you said as you tied an apron around your waist

“Oh i do! I have an allergy for crustaceans but mom and my daughter loves those.” someone suddenly asked startling you.

You turned around to see a woman who looks like they are a little but older than Reigen.

“You must be Reigen's older sister, its nice to meet you!” you greeted her.

“Oh uhm, thank you, allow me to help with the cooking. I am the one who always cook here but i forgot that you were coming today so sorry about that...” she said as she also wrapped an apron around her waist.

“Oh its okay!” you said, opening the stove to heat the pan. You began chopping some onions, garlic, and other spices. You just saw the ingridients but immediately knew what they were planning to cook.

“Say, what are the preferences of each family member?” you asked as you put some olive oil on the pan that you heated earlier.

“Oh uhm, they like this and that...” she began saying their food preferences and etc. While you listened attentively.

After cooking, you began putting the dish on the dinner table where Reigen, his mom and dad, and his niece sat.

“Dinner is ready!” you say. Reigen's sister started putting the other side dishes you made and those were alot...

“Itadakimasu!” you all said before eating the food you made. You were anxiously eating, waiting for their responses about how the dish tastes.

Reigen sensed your anxiousness so he looked at you in the eyes and gave a small smile. “It tastes amazing!” he says.

“Yeah it does! How do you cook like that?” his mother asked.

“Son you scored an amazing person.” his father said to Reigen.

“Y/N has such amazing cooking skills!” his sister said while her daughter just nodded.

“Shall we finish eating then?” you say still feeling flustered by all of their compliments.

Some time has passed after you finished eating, you helped cleaning the dishes and tucked Reigen's niece to sleep.

“Y/N, you're just pretending that you're my brother's girlfriend right?” his sister suddenly asked.

“I guess there is no point hiding it anymore...” you say as you turned to look infront of her.

“Lets be frank here, do you like him? It is very easy to tell by the way you look at him into the eyes but i just wanted to make sure.” she asked, still staring into your eyes.

“Yes, yes i do like- no love him.” you say looking away from her piercing gaze.

“You better tell him your feelings later. I'll be watching” she said as she left her daughter's room.

“Okay- wait did she say later!?!? Does that mean she supports my feelings for him!?!” you said to yourself as you also make your way to leave the kid's room.

A few moments later....

“I'm sorry for all the trouble.” Reigen said as you two walked to your house after getting out of the bus.

“It's fine really...” you say as the both of you continued to walk along the sidewalks.

There was a long pause.

“This place really seems to be empty around these times. Creepy isn't it?” Reigen said to break the silence between you two.

“It is a bit creepy, but i should be the one saying that considering you are the one who exorcises spirits!” you giggled.

There was another long pause between you two. You stopped walking from your tracks which Reigen then followed, curious of why you stopped.

“Why did you stop? Is there anything wrong?” he asked concern filling his voice.

“Reigen were already here, infront of my house.” you say.

“Oh sorry! I didn't notice it hahaha” he laughed as he scratched the back of his head.

“Reigen, can i tell you something?” you say before opening the door to your apartment.

“Sure what is it?” he asked.

“Reigen, i- i have, nevermind just-” you suddenly kissed Reigen's cheeks.

“I like you Reigen.” you say before making a dash into the comforts of your home.

“Wait what...” He was still shocked of what happened. Just a second ago you kissed him and now just left him infront of your house.

“Huh?” he said as he saw a letter slip under your door saying ‘i like you, can we be real lovers this time?’

Reigen, now more flustered than before, took his phone to call your number which you then answered.

“Of course, i uhhh, lets arrange another date next time if you want” he said.

“Wait really?!?! Does this mean you just accepted my feelings for you!?!” you opened the door if your house again almost screaming of what he said.

“Yes, Y/N oh my god, just go to bed already okay! You must be tired already.” he answered, feeling the serotonin fill his brain.

“Oh uhmm okay i uhh i can do this right?” you gave Reigen another peck on his cheeks making him even more flustered than he was earlier.

“Of course, i uh i'll call you when i go back home okay!” he said almost not wanting to leave.

“Be careful Reigen!” you say before closing the door after he left.

“Okay Y/N inhale, exhale.... OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS I AM ACTUALLY DATING REIGEN NOW OH MY GOSH” you screamed in your brain.

Meanwhile with Reigen...

“I am actually dating her now... I can't believe it!” he began cheering on himself.

“I can't- this seems to be a dream!” a never leaving smile was painted on his face.

“I should think about where i should take her next time... I did say i will take her on a date” he said to himself as he began thinking of places that you might like.

A/N: Look idk how to properly end this so im sorry!😭😭😭

Yes i made part two i didnt think i would actually make it! I uhmm thank you for everyone that liked this two part oneshot and uhh pls leave a vote(?) on this i you liked this story

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