Chapter 1 : The News

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October 27
"Clarke come on! We'll be late if you don't hurry up now." Raven, Clarke's best friend yelled from down stairs as she rummaged through the cabinets for food.

Meanwhile Clarke was stressing out because she couldn't find her gear for lacrosse. She planned last night to practice lacrosse with Raven this morning but she slept in and now was running late to school. And she also has a game tonight. She than remembered how her mother yelled at her last night because she had left her gear in the bathroom so her mother threw her gear outside on the backyard. Clarke ran downstairs quickly running outside to the backyard, she also spotted Raven rampaging her cabinets for food as ran out. She quickly carried her gear upstairs to her room and shoved it in quickly into her sports bags. She grabbed a hold of the two sports bags and her school bag. She walked downstairs and signaled to Raven she was ready to leave. Raven quickly closed all the cabinets shoving all the food she had taken into the pockets of her pants. Both left the house, Clarke stopping for second to close the door while Raven took both Clarke's sports bags and carried them to her car. When Clarke joined Raven in the car, Raven was already shoving the sports bags in the backseat as she chewed on a snicker bar. Clarke couldn't help but to giggle, making Raven immediately self aware of her position. Raven swiftly started driving away towards the school as she turned on the radio. She changed the radio station from country music to rock music, which Clarke hated so much. Clarke and Raven spent the next 15 minutes riding to school arguing about the music, eventually settled down on Clarke's choice of music which was The Neighborhood, and Raven agreed.

When they reached school, Raven helped Clarke with one of her sports bags while Raven herself also carried her own school bag on her right shoulder. Clarke carried her sports bag and her school bag. They pushed through the front doors of the school, entering the cafeteria. Everyone flipped their heads towards Clarke, cheering and applauding as she entered mostly by the lacrosse team. She had just become the captain of the lacrosse team last night because Bellamy the former captain was arrested for something he didn't do but it still he had to go through court and other things. Clarke greeted everyone who approached her to graduate her by giving them a firm hand shake or fist bump. Raven stood behind Clarke as she watched everyone greet Clarke but of course Clarke never left Raven out of the mix and also made everyone else acknowledge Raven's presence.

Both Clarke and Raven headed to their first class of the day which was Math. They of course were late so, Raven of course had to make a scene.

When they reached the door to the classroom Raven handed back Clarke's sports bag to her and proceeded to bust through the door dramatically.

"Oh my god! So sorry everyone for being late--." Raven began her dramatic speech but was immediately cut off by the teacher, Mr. Kane.

"Raven stop being a problem and take a seat and you too Clarke." Mr. Kane glared at Clarke a little too long, because he received a couple weird looks from the students who noticed. He has a grudge againt Clarke because her mother didn't want to date him. It's a very stupid reason and he knows it but his pride always takes the better of him.

Clarke ignored Mr. Kane's behavior and took a seat beside Raven on the front row.

"Did you really have to bust through the door." Clarke whispered to Raven. Raven nodded yes. Making Clarke roll her eyes as she leaned back on her seat now fidgeting with her pencil trying to focus on the lesson. But her mind kept drifting off to what her mother said to her last night.

Last night flashback-

"Clarke I'm seeing someone." Abby said to her daughter, Clarke.

Clarke and her mother were eating dinner silently until Abby decided it was the best time to tell her daughter about her seeing a new person.

She Thinks Of Me (Clexa AU) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant