Wet Rag

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I feel like a wet rag tossed in the rain
I feel that pretty often
I know it doesn't sound really poetic
At least to you
But it sounds poetic to me

A wet rag cleans up other people's messes
It's thrown away
It's made new
Only to soak up dish soap and to be forgotten
That's pretty much how I feel like

Some people might not think this as a poem
But what defines a poem?

Learn to pronounce
a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure.

That's a poem right there.
It's a way to express in speech or song.
That's all it is.

And well I'm expressing in speech that I feel like a wet, dirty, old, rag

Strung out
Left in the rain

I'm not mad at anyone for doing this to me
They have their own issues
And it's not like I haven't made them feel the same way

We all feel like that sometimes
A wet rag
Unable to control the nature
To make it stop raining

But even in the rain we need to rise up
And learn to dance.

Dance in our sufferings
Dance in our sorrow
To dance with others who need comfort

Maybe it's a slow dance
Or a salsa
Or a little jig
But we need to dance
For if we don't then we can never help this world become a better place

We need to show others that there is a hope
We need to smile in the rain

Because there is hope
There is life

The world doesn't make us

We make the world.

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