Ch 3 || the fever

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Zhongli's pov :

Aether was in my pajamas but she wasnt wearing the pants so she looks double cuter than usual so i blushed then i looked at Xiao who had a face as red as Diluc's hair then Aether blushed but then Aether said

Aether : "im gonna sleep now haha GOODNIGHT!"

then she went to bed so i did too with Xiao and yes we did decide where were gonna sleep
so i went to Aether's bed and layed down but i realized that Aether caught a fever so i decided to put a wet towel on her forehead and then slept

--The next day--

I woke up to see Aether sleeping next to me and i blushed but then got up and went to make breakfast and saw Aether come out with Childe so i asked

Zhongli : "Want breakfast?"

Aether answered

Aether : "yes thanks Zhongli!"

And Childe nodded so i gave them the food
and they enjoyed it so i was happy but then i saw Xiao come out and ask

Xiao : "whats for breakfast?"

I said

Zhongli : "Pancakes and some eggs"

and he said

Xiao : "okay thanks Zhongli"

then he sat down and i gave him his breakfast

then Aether got up and told me

Aether : "Thanks for the food Zhongli"

Zhongli : "Your welcome"

Aether's pov :

I said thank you to Zhongli for the food and went to take a shower but little that i know i forgot to lock the room meaning anyone can come in the bathroom and room (by the way no i didnt lock the bathroom) but i didnt realize and got in the bath and peacefully took a bath until i saw Childe come inside.. His face got red and so did mines because it was embarrassing and he said sorry then closed the door

Aether's mind : "THAT WAS SO EMBARRASING!"

I got out the bath tub and wore my uniform then got out of the room and saw Zhongli and Xiao screaming at Childe so i asked

Aether : Why are you all screaming at Childe?"

Then childe looked at me and whined

Childe : "Help meee"

but i didnt bother to even touch him and walked out of the dorm to go to Lumine's dorm and saw amber so i asked her where Lumine was but she said

Amber : "Oh she went to the mall today because she's on her break"

so i said

Aether : "oh alright bye!"

then she waved a goodbye to me

--Time skip after all the lectures cause its boring--

It was 3 pm already so i went to the Maid cafe only to see Childe outside of the Maid cafe and walking in, I panicked but i still went inside and as i expected he glared at me but i tried hard to not get a staring contest but yet again.. clara told me to ask him what to order so i went up to  him in my maid dress and asked

Aether : "What would you like to order master?"

Childe : "A frappe please"

Aether : "Okay master!"

i walked away but then he grabbed my wrist and told me

Childe : "you look kinda cute girlie" as he winked

i blushed and said

Aether : "T-Thank you" o//o

he letted go of my wrist and i went to make his frappe,
after i did i suddenly felt dizzy while bringing the frappe to him
even when i arrived to his table and then i felt unconscious the passed out on his table

Childe's pov :

Aether was bringing me my frappe in that cute maid outfit of hers and then she passed out, of course i panicked

But then her manager i suspect told me to carry her so i did and she thanked me, and after she did i went to bring her to our dorm but then when i looked at Aether's face she looked suprisingly like she was in heat so i blushed but then again she opened her eyes and said

Aether : "Please help me master"

And again like what any person would do i went red but guess what i KISSED HER it was the best day of my life

--When he brought Aether to their room--

I placed her on our bed and went to buy medicine for her but she grabbed my hand and said

Aether : "Wait dont leave me alone~"

i gulped but i also said

Childe : "ill call someone here so you wont be alone"

and she letted go of my hand after she did i called Kaeya since i heard that they were friends

Aether's pov : 

I waited till someone came inside the room and saw Childe guide Kaeya inside 
kaeya said

Kaeya : "Hello i heard you got a fever"

i nodded and he chuckled it was kind of cute..
but then he told me

Kaeya : "you should have a rest."

i said

Aether : "okay?"

and he placed a wet towel on my forehead i slept for  awhile until i woke up i think was around 8 pm and saw Kaeya talking with Diluc, i got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face but then Kaeya said

Kaeya : "Are you feeling better?"

i nodded and he said

Kaeya : "Greatt"

and i went to the bathroom, but when i was washing my face i realized my clothes is still the same outfit i wore at the Maid cafe so i went out of the bathroom to check my luggage but then i forgot that i promised Xiao i was gonna use his pajamas today so i went out of the room and walked to Xiao

Aether : "Hey uhh can i borrow your pajamas?"

Xiao : "oh sure."

he gave me the pajama and i changed i also told Kaeya he can stay if wants to since its late and he stayed suprisingly, so i grabbed a sleeping bag and gave it to him and then went to bed but i couldnt sleep so i got up but little did i know there was poor kaeya at the floor exactly where i was at and i fell on him

Aether : "Oh my gosh im so sorry!!"

Kaeya : "Its alright"

but then.. when he tried to get up his leg went on my uhh lets call light saber and i accidentally letted out a sound that i wasnt aware of and i blushed and so did he, it was so awkward! but i got up instead and said

Aether : "Sorry!!"

and ran out of the room after i ran out i went to watch tv at the living room but then i realized i already healed!

--To be continued--

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