The wedding

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It has been 2 years since the game show and elanora and miss tory have lived together for 1 and a half years and have recently got married. Their wedding was beatifull and attended by absolute hotties making it one of the best weddings to exit even making it on GGBC(Gay Ginger Broadcasting chanel) which boosted elanoras career in acting even more! But why move on when i can tell you the entire story of the wedding that shocked the world 😨

The morning started with what you would expect for an average british day. Well not really considering storm elanora decided to show up 2 days earlier causing high speed winds and even some cities flooding. #stopglobalwarming. Miss Tory was staying at a grand hotel that was payed for my elanora as of course she is rich from Elanora the explorer which is now getting its own live action spin off instead of just animated,how cool is that! It was called the Queefs hotel of Bussy located in hamshire,England,UK,Europe Earth, The solar system,The univers. She was there with her to friends A gay ginger who can do magic and momo the french murderer😔(sorry),yes these are her bridesmades, she has been crying since ladt night from joy and of course fear that at any moment her lover could changed there mind and never show up st the wedding. Of course she was also just a bit nervous in general of the fact that this is on of the biggest moments in her life and she wants to make sure that it goes down in history.
"Ok look your gonna be fine when i got married to my husband i was always worried something would go wrong" The gay ginger attempted to make miss tory feel better
"That does not help you fucking dumbass remeber he cheated on you two times and then he ran away with all of your money" miss tory screamed to the ginger with genuine hate
"Look all hes trying to say is it cant go wrong now fate is on your side remember that bomb that nearly hit the game show hut instead hit your parents who opposed you and miss plants, thats proof that yhe universe is on your side!"Explained the Momo
"Yeah i guess im just worrying for no reason" Miss tory confesses

Whereas Elonora Plants was rushing around sorting out the last parts of the weddings as it was decided that she will be planning the wedding and surprising Miss tory as much as possible. Her friends were also there some of which were acting more and more suspicous around her and even seemed to be somewhat jealous but surely this was judt them wanting to get married right? They cant surely be jealous that im marrying miss tory right?
"Elonora we will sort out the rest you need to start finishing of getting ready yourself or you will be late for your on wedding" Miss sandys mcdonalds said with a worrying tone
"Exactly thats what i have been trying to tell her but she just wont listen!" Mary said with a depressed tone
"Ok thankyou so much guys i dont know how im supposed to repay you for everything you have done for me and miss tory"
"Dont worry about us, you making us your bridesmades is enough" mary reasurred elanora
Miss sandys nodded in agreement
"Ok well thank you so much yet again and ill see you soon" Elanora said all giddy and quickly running out to get her wedding dressa
"BYE" the two friends shouted from behind
She was running as fast as possible and rushing to get the wedding dress on after finishing her makeup from her profesional makeup artist done.
Not long after this she saw the vehicle she was going to be taken in, a carrage pulled by 4 decorated horses. She was buzzing as soon as she got in the carrage

20 minutes later
Elanora had finally arrived and the guests were poring in about 700 of them of course a very limited amount of them actually knew the two but were just invited, even the queen showed up, It was as if they were royal however it isnt great when only about 9 of the people there are family membes and about 50 were friends. It was domimated by famous people most of which were co stars.

Miss tory arrived to the wedding venue 30 minutes later and was getting reasy to walk to the aisle with one her grandmother as everyone else was dead and her mum and dad died a horrible death when they were bombed during the game show. Im sure miss tory was sad about that right?

The moment was finally here
The music went of as she started her elegant walk down the royally painted aisle which funnily enough the queen herself watched. Elanora stood next to the vicor who was also the bridesmade thats right its rakel the french momo

After walking for what felt like hourse she had reached elanora and had turned to face her

The vicor stepped forward
"Hello all we are here today today to begin the joining of two lovers who have had an adventure that few people in our world could even compare to. Miss tory and elanora plants on this day will make a promise bounded by law. So all please calm down as we begin this agreement of love. Miss Tory do you swear to show your love to elanor and never queef around her as that is a sign of hate?" The vicor asked with worry
"I do" Miss tory announced with confidence
"And Elanora Plants do you swear to show your love to Miss Tory and never queef around her as this is a sign of hate?"
"I do" anounced Elanora
"You may kiss the bride!"
They kissed

Music starts playing
The after party was huge, people who werent able to show up for the wedding were now here about 1000 people dancing around,drinking, making out. Some were even having a sneaky link in the toilets. One of which was the gay ginger 😏.
Elanora found it a bit strange on her special day but oh well atleast it wasnt on the dance floor. But the music changed and became much slower. So as she should Elanora walked towards Miss Tory-Plants they grabbed eachother wnd slowly danced whilst the gay ginger danced in the toilets with a man 😉.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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