The Werewolves & the Instruments

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Sunset fell onto the village Osebo. Music chorused through the empty forest. Fifty children and thirteen adults were playing with their instruments. There were trumpets, piccolos, clarinets, trombones, and Oboes. Everyone was great, but Grace Miller was the best piccolo player in the village and arguably, the world. She would always get praise from everyone. Her parents, her friends, her peers. Everyone but two. Millicent Moore and her mother hate Grace with a passion. They thought that she was a stuck-up, no-good, lying rascal. They didn't like that she would always get praise and they would only get poor feedback.

"Make softer sounds with your clarinet," Her instructor would say to her.

"Wait for the oboes to finish playing before you play,"

"Play your clarinets quickly so Grace can do her solo,"

The fact that Grace always got praise from their instructor made Millicent irritated, but today was her last straw. She had to form a plan. A master plan. then she had it. There was a legend about werewolves living in the forest. If you leave something there, they would destroy the item. What she could do is offer to hold Grace's piccolo and case, then drop the instrument in the forest. Then she returns the case without anyone knowing what happened. It was a plan. A master plan. A few hours later, when the black blanket fell, Millicent put her plan to work.

"Hey, Grace, I was wondering, can I do you a favor and carry your piccolo and your case?" Millicent asked.

"Sure," Grace replied. "Thanks!"

As soon as Grace went to talk to the instructor, Millicent seized the moment to put her plan to work. She took the piccolo out of the case and threw it as far as she could. Then she swiftly shut the case and handed it back to Grace.

"Here is your case," Millicent told her.

"Thank you so much for doing that!" Grace replied.

If only she knew... Millicent pondered to herself. She walked away, feeling gleeful.


As soon as Millicent walked away, Grace was suspicious. She was already suspicious when she offered to carry her piccolo case. When she came home, she went straight to her room and opened her case. She gasped. Her piccolo wasn't in there!

"That little rascal!" Grace muttered to herself.

She bolted down the stairs and into the kitchen, where her mum was cooking dinner.

"Mum, I think I might have accidentally left my piccolo outside," Grace told her mother. "May I please go out and get it?"

"Only if you promise to go straight back home as soon as you get your piccolo," her mother answered.

"Thanks, I will," Grace replied.

She ran like the wind. Out of the house, she bolted into the forest and looked around.

Instantly, a hut appeared out of nowhere. She walked up to the front door of the hut and knocked three times.

"Come in," someone growled.

Grace opened the front door. She looked around before she walked in. there, standing in front of her, were werewolves. She wanted to scream but when she opened her mouth, no sound came out. She felt like Daniel from the Bible. She felt like she was thrown into a den of lions. After a few minutes, she started to calm down.

"Sorry to barge in on you Mister Werewolves, but I was wondering if you-" Grace started.

"Have seen any instruments in the forest?" One of the werewolves, who must've been the leader, finished.

"Yes," Grace answered, looking a little bit flustered.

"Come this way. We have a lot of instruments," the werewolf told her. They walked to the next room in the house. Whilst they were walking, Grace had a nagging question in the back of her mind that she just had to ask.

"Sorry if this sounds rude, but are you the Werewolves in the legend?" Grace questioned. "The ones who break everything that they find?"

"We are, though we don't destroy everything that we find. We simply store it until someone runs far into the forest, finds our hut, and knocks on our door." the leader responded, without stopping. "Oh, by the way, my name is Ashnard. Ashnard Luis,"

"Grace Miller is my name," Grace said.

When Ashnard stopped walking, he stepped to the side.

"This is where all the instruments are kept. Do you recognise yours?" Ashnard asked.

Grace scanned the room. There were millions of instruments: pianos, piccolos, clarinets, guitars, flutes, drums, violins. There were gold instruments, silver instruments, bronze instruments, copper instruments, and wood instruments. She kept on looking until she found her instrument.

"This one is mine," Grace told Ashnard, pointing to one of the piccolos on the wall.

She ran up to it and grabbed the piccolo.

"You are allowed to grab another instrument from this room," informed Ashnard.

"Thank you so much. You have been very kind," Grace said, enthusiastically.

She ran up and grabbed a wooden violin for her mother. They weren't exactly the richest and her mother used to play the violin when she was young so she thought to surprise her with it. Then she ran back to Ashnard and hugged him.

As soon as she left the hut, it was midnight. She darted back home and flung the door open.

"Mum, look, I got my flute back!" Grace told her mother, puffed out from her run.

Her mother stopped cooking and glanced at her daughter. She left the kitchen and gave Grace a hug. She looked at Grace, noticing that her hands were behind her back.

"Grace, what are you hiding behind your back?" her mother gave Grace a suspicious look.

Grace took her hands from behind her back. Her mother gasped.

"How did you get this?" Her mother asked curiously.

Grace explained the whole story to her mother. Once she was done telling her story, her mother took the violin from her hands and started to play. Instantaneously, diamonds, copper, brass, bronze, gold, silver, iron, nickel, and emeralds started to pour out of the violin's chin rest. They could barely believe it. They went from having little money to being the richest people in Osebo. Little did they know that Millicent was peeking through the window. She had heard everything that they said and saw everything that had happened.

The next day, Millicent decided to throw her clarinet into the forest after practice. She waited until night time then went to the forest. She found the hut and banged on the door. Once the werewolves told her to open it, she ran to the room and took her clarinet from the wall. Then she took the shiniest piano there was and exited the house. Once she brang it home, she gave it to her mother and played a song. Instead of riches, all of the diseases known to mankind came out of the lyre base:







All of the diseases infected Millicent Moore and her mother. Soon all of the people who are family and friends to the pair got infected and later soon died.

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