✨Chapter 2✨

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“It’s because Tang Shan is Tang Shan, and you aren’t him,” Li Yuanyu replied.

Another tongue twister-like riddle. Tang Shan didn’t really get it, but Jake seemed to understand and quieted down, not pursuing the matter further. Tang Shan was obviously part of the conversation, but was always out of the loop, leaving him frustrated.

“I’m full now. Thank you for your hospitality, it was delicious. Should I wash the dishes?”  Tang Shan changed the topic, planning to wash Jake’s dishes as well.

“Let Jake do it. Come, I’ll bring you outside. This town isn’t exactly big, nor is it small, so it’ll take about a day to finish sightseeing.”

“A whole day?” Tang Shan couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise.

“Since we don’t have any means of transportation nor any gas stations, we only travel using bicycles or by foot,” Jake explained as he cleared the plates.

Li Yuanyu asked Tang Shan, “You don’t mind walking, do you?”

“I don’t mind.”

“Then let’s go.” Li Yuanyu stood up and held his hand, and they left the dining table together.

Because his movements were too natural, Tang Shan wasn’t able to react and retract his hand in time. He could only let Yuanyu do as he liked.

Li Yuanyu took two waterproof coats. The style and colours were quite classic, and it matched well with Li Yuanyu’s tall stature.

Tang Shan, who was shorter, began to worry that he’d look like a child who had stolen an adult’s clothing when he wore it. However, there was no need for such worries. Li Yuanyu gave him a coat that was a size smaller and compatible with his height, as if it had been custom made.

Unsurprisingly, he found his name stitched onto the cuffs—this trench coat was originally his.

He seemed to be able to understand the situation a little better and was no longer as fearful. He followed Li Yuanyu’s footsteps out of the house. The garden was well tended to with the grass smoothened out, and there was even a patch growing edible vegetables. The owner’s dedication could be seen from how tidy and beautiful it was.

“Did you plant the lettuce that I ate just now?” Tang Shan wondered, filled with respect for Li Yuanyu. On the topic of horticulture, he did have some experience. The place he used to live in—Wait, where did he use to live? Why couldn’t he remember it all of a sudden?

“We tended the yard together, but you were determined about there being a vegetable garden. You’re usually in charge of cultivating them, so I don’t really help,” Li Yuanyu answered, sounding a little blue.

In other words, he was filled with admiration for his own work. How funny.

“I’m sorry, I don’t remember,” Tang Shan apologized, and then asked, “Have I lived here for a long time?”

“It has been some time, though I don’t remember how long exactly.” Li Yuanyu smiled apologetically, casually avoiding his question.

Tang Shan couldn't probe further and looked away, surveying the surrounding buildings. He suddenly felt as if he’d traveled through time to the 19th or 20th century. The architectural features were all over the place, where little cottages were lined next to tall buildings, and bricks next to concrete. He’d never seen anything like that before.

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