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"Since we already tell it to our friends.. let's tell to our parents now" I said

"Yes.. ok come on let's go"

We called our parents to a meeting in our house...

(Minutes later)

The door bell rang..

"It's our parents I will open it" Jungkook said

"Hello mom and dad and Mr. Manoban and Ms. Manoban" Jungkook said to them happily

"Come on follow me... Take a sit" Jungkook said to our parents

"So umm what is it Jungkook and Lisa?

"Actually ms. Jeon and Mr. Jeon... And also mom and dad... We already agreed not to divorce.. cause we already love each other and please accept us" I said with nervous voice..

"Why wouldn't we accept it.. ofc we will accept it.. I can't believe it take care of you two ok" my mom said

"Yea we agreed to" Jungkook's parents

"We gotta go now we have works" our parents said

"Ok mom's and dad's bye" i said while smiling.

"I can't believe it... They accept us OMGG" i said happily then hugged Jungkook tightly

"I can't believe it to babe... I'm happy now.." he said then smiled

Next day..

I woke up but then I feel like I need to puke... I immediately went to our bathroom and puke

"Babe what's wrong?" Jungkook ask

"I don't know... Maybe I ate something wrong "I said

"Are you sure your ok babe?" Jungkook ask again

"Yes I'm ok" I said to him with a smile..

We went downstairs and our maid cook for us

"Omg yes food" I said

"Babe I will just get a pickles and a chocolate that sound good"


Is it me or she's weird today....

"Oh ok" I said to her

She immediately eat pickles with chocolate..

"Umm is that taste good?" I ask with disgust face

"Yea try it" she say

"No thanks.... But babe eat your breakfast" I said

"Yea yea.." she said

(At school)

Me and Lisa got school.. we still don't know if we will public our relationship already...

As we are walking to the hall Lisa immediately run towards to the girls bathroom..


As me and chae getting ourselves ready to the girls bathroom you know make ups and yea..but suddenly Lisa came and immediately went to us and puke..

"Omg Lisa are you ok?" I ask

"I don't know... I'm really acting weird lately.." she said

"Hmm that's weird.. maybe you eat something wrong?" Chae ask

"Yea maybe..." She said

But something came out of my mind... Maybe she's pregnant

"Lisa tell me the truth did you and Jungkook?? S3x?" I ask


"Tell us... We are your friends right?" I ask

"Ok fine...yea we did it" Lisa said

It makes us shocked

"JINJA" chae ask

"Y-yea it was... Yesterday night" Lisa said

"Omg... Did Jungkook use protection?" I ask

"N-no" Lisa said


"ME TO" chae said

"So what is the mea-.... Omg I just realized...maybe I'm pregnant" Lisa said

"Yea maybe you are.... Try pt when you got home ok" I said

"Yea ok" she said then leave the bathroom


I'm scared... What if I'm really am pregnant... Im only 18 years old girl.. but me and my babe can raise our child if I'm pregnant..

When I was walking.. someone grab my hand.. it was jungkook

"Babe what's wrong?.. did you puke again?" He ask

"Yea... And I have a different feeling rn..." I said

"Let's check tommorow... If you puke again in many times you need to check up" Jungkook said

"Yea.." i said then we walk at the same time to our class

"Ms. Jeon and Mr. Jeon where have you two been?" Our teacher ask

It make's us froze..

"U-umm ma'am why are you calling me ms.jeon?" I ask

"Well your parents already tell about that you two are married" our teacher said

"Well yea that's true... I just hope people will accept us" Jungkook said

"Ofc we accept you"
"We love you two"
"You two are perfect for each other"

Our classmates cheer us.. which make's me smile

And yea our relationship is already public.. we don't have anything to worry about

(End class)

We got home now and jungkook was playing games

"Aren't you to old to play games?" I ask

"Age dosent matter", he said

I just rolled my eyes and went to bed sleeping

(After a minute)

I woke up.. beacuse I remember Jennie's advice to me... Would I try it... Ugh NVM I will just check up tommorow.. suddenly I stand up and saw my tummy is like growing... I didn't eat anything yet.. I'm kinda scared... Then i went immediately to the bathroom and puke

Jungkook enter to bathroom and saw me puke

"Babe? Are you sure your ok?" He ask again

" I don't know... I feel weird" I said

"Let's check up tomorrow ok" he said then kissed my forehead

"Yea.. I'm just tired. I'm gonna sleep again" I said

"Yea sleep.." he said then hugged me too while sleeping


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