Chapter 7- A city of wonder

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  • Dedicated to My readers. Thanks everyone:)

Chapter 7

Now I'ma dance like I never dance

Sing like I never sing, dream like I've never dreamed

Or try to, 'cause we've been lied to

That the sun is somethin' that we can't fly to

--From "Alligator Sky" by Owl City

I rushed over to him, trying to see if he was all right. he may have just passed out from coffee overload, or it may have been more serious. I shook him gently, and then lightly slapped his cheek.

He was beginning to come to. he groggily moaned," where am I? and what happened?"

I chuckled to myself and said, "You just ate more coffee than should be humanly possible, were bouncing off the walls, and were about to tell me who your dad is."

As soon as I said the last part, his face grew very pale and he asked in a shaky voice," I didn't... I didn't actually say who, right?"

I was becoming confused and shook my head no. but I refrained from asking anymore questions due to past experience.

he quickly regained his composure and stood up too quickly, for he immediately began to sway back and forth.

I rushed over to him saying,"Sit down! you just passed out. you need to take a break."

"yeah. I guess I should take a nap..." he mumbled groggily right before he layed down his head and fell asleep for the night.

* * * * * *

The next day, we came upon the great city of andromeda, nicknamed the glass city. it was the most beautiful and most advanced city in the whole land. you see, my people live a very primitive life, but the other people- the ones who live in cities like this and the capital, they live in luxury, with a far more advanced life.

I gazed up in awe at the glass city. Glass spires rose up into the sky, seeming almost to touch it. the sun reflected off all the glass and made it sparkle like diamonds. the tall buildings intermingled with the short ones, with a rare few that were tall enough to dominate over all the rest.the glass had a greenish blue hint, reminding me of the sea- a sea of glass. the entire city was an amazing epicenter of ingenuity and art, cultivated in the right environment, which had resulted in this modern marvel.

And surrounding it all was a large gate, made of the same glass as the rest of the city. It rose high in the sky, almost dwarfing some of the buildings. there were guards everywhere, protecting their beloved city. unlike most of the lands, this city belonged to no one- especially the Supreme Ruler. not that his sight didn't reach here as well, but he did not "own" it, like the rest of the lands.

I glanced over at Kristoff, who wore a similar look of awe on his face. "have you never been here before?" I asked him.

"no, I have, but it still astounds me," he said, turning his head over to look at me.

"now how do we get in?" I pondered.

"The same way as everyone else," he said with a twinkle in his eye," through the front gates!"

With that plan in mind, we began to cover the remaining distance between ourselves and Andromeda.

"But don't you have to have special permission or something to get in the city?" I wondered.

"not always. But I think I should be able to get us in."

We reached the gate, as well as a guard. he was very tall, which seemed appropriate because of his city, and he was wearing a large blue uniform. he had a slightly worn look on his faced, but still appeared alert. While he had kind green eyes, his face seemed harsher, and I was curious as to how Kristoff thought we could get in.

"Who goes there!" the guard bellowed out.

"it is I, Kristoff, and my companion," Kristoff replied in turn.

the guard looked us both up and down, and nodded his head saying,"Very well. You may enter."

I looked over at Kristoff curiously, but waiting until we got in to ask him more about what happened.

We both walked through the massive gates, standing tall, almost as if to honor this wonderful city and not disrespect it.

Once we had entered the city, past the massive gates,even more of it was visible. Nearly every building was made of glass, from the large ones touching the sky, to the small shops where merchants peddled their wares. how even the poorer people managed to have glass houses was beyond me, but they were there nevertheless. Despite the identical color of all the glass, there was color everywhere. Every person wore brightly colored clothing, and the houses were adorned with various colors from the silk, whether red, yellow or blue, draped in trees and hanging on corners. This truly is a city of art and culture.

"So how did you get us through? did you know that guard somehow?"

"I not sure really," he replied meekly," I just tried to sound official and it worked!" He glanced over quickly at me and smiled.

I just grinned back, not believing that had actually worked.


We continued walking through the streets of Andromeda with Kristoff in front, leading the way. we passed merchants selling things such as jewelry, food, and various trinkets. along the road we also saw a circus with an animal called a tiger being the main attraction. It appeared to be a very very large cat that had orange and black stripes with a fierce growl and large teeth. I could not comprehend why people would want to be near it.

We finally reached our location- a tavern where many Ra'ac frequent. Despite having no emotions, they still have managed to figure out a way to get drunk. Basically they just drink about five times as much as an average serving, and tada- they are drunk as sailors, yet they get no thrill form it, but rather a numbing of their five senses. you would think would be tired of being numb to the world in one way or another, but who knows the mind of a Ra'ac?

I shivered inside when I walked in the cold and slightly damp room. it was mostly empty, but the Ra'ac that were there was enough. they were all staring at us, me in particular, tracking our every movements with cold, dead eyes. we walked across the tavern quickly and stopped in front of a slightly smaller, but still huge, Ra'ac. He was tall and muscular with bright green eyes. He also seemed to share Kristoff's jet black hair.

This must be his informant we were after, I thought to myself.

Unkile the others, this Ra'ac was not staring at me, but rather at Kristoff with an odd look in his green eyes. it was almost seemed like...... recognition?

What Kristoff said next surprised me most of all, "hello, brother."

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