Lasting Peace?

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Hello good, here I leave you a new chapter and I just wanted to let you know that this book will be based on season 10 but I will end it in a better way.

POV Lloyd

"Finally" Nya and I said at the same time since after Mistaké revealed to me that our friends were alive I told Nya and now they are finally back.

"Finally what?!?!?" shout Violet

"Finally your death hahaha" she laughed evilly

"No finally the time came to end your reign of terror" said Nya confidently

They were about to attack us but before something happened four dragons, one of fire, one of earth, one of ice and one of lightning, used their elemental powers and drove the SOG away.

With that those four dragons and another larger one landed where we were and 4 known figures and one unknown but we already got the idea of ​​who it was.

"Wait that's the ... Sensei Wu !!!" Nya and I said and ran to give my uncle a hug

"Lloyd, Nya, I'm glad to see that you're all right" said Wu

"Skaylor !!!" Kai yelled and he ran to see what happened to his girlfriend

"What happened to her?!?" I ask desperate

"She used my father's power and it poisoned her" I said sadly

"To save her, Ninjago and the First Real we must defeat my brother" said my uncle

"Lloyd your powers ..." Zane tried to say but I cut him off.

"They have not returned but thanks to many good and bad things that have happened I discovered that true power never disappears if not that it only goes when you think you do not have it" I said remembering the words of Mistaké

"And who told you that??" the Sensei asked curiously

"Mistaké" I said a little sad

"She ... is not with us anymore, is she?" my uncle asked, crestfallen

"Unfortunately no" I said sad

"Ah she was a great friend" he said sadly

"But we will have time to mourn our losses now we have to defeat my father and save Ninjago and the First Kingdom" I said sure

"True" agreed Wu.

"Well, Kai, Cole, Zane and Jay will finally stop my father's Colossus" I said in a command voice

"Nya, you and Dareth will stay to take care of Skaylor" I ordered

"And finally my uncle and I will face my father" I finished

"Good, come on" said Kai


When I managed to defeat my father by resisting him, his power disappeared and mine returned, he told me a phrase that completely froze me.

"They will come" he said

"Who will come ??"I ask worried

But he said nothing and only left more questions than answers

So we went downstairs and the police were already taking all the remaining SOG to the Kryptarium prison.

"Commissioner has room for one more" I said and with that two officers took my father and my friend approached me

"Lloyd !!" they all said

"It's good that you're fine greenie" Nya said and gave me a kiss on the cheek

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