Chapter 7

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"I think that's a great idea."

Zoza entered the kitchen in the middle of a conversation.

"What do you think's a great idea Uncle Steve?" she asked. Steve turned to face her, and Bruce did as well, his arm around Cynthia, and her stomach was a bit rounder. Zoza hadn't noticed before, so when Cynthia caught her looking, she smiled.

"In case you're wondering, I'm only about seventeen weeks." Cynthia smiled, kissing Bruce on the cheek.

"And going to the doctor's next week." Bruce added, and Zoza smiled. Steve walked over and crouched beside Zoza, and she looked towards him.

"So, what's a great idea?" she asked again, and Steve smiled at Bruce.

"We're going to enroll you into the local public school. You said you wanted to make friends, and I know you'll want time away from us after a while." he chuckled, and Zoza smiled softly.

"I don't think I could ever get sick of you guys. But, thanks for listening." Zoza hugged Steve, and he smiled, hugging her back.

"Hopefully, you'll be starting within the next week or so, and we asked for a list of supplies." Bruce smiled, and Zoza nodded.

"So I'll be going out soon?" she asked, and they nodded at her.

"Bruce, Clint, and I'll be taking you this time." Steve smiled, and she grinned.

"I'll go get dressed then." she went off to her room, and Steve smiled after her.


Zoza came back out, and Steve was waiting for her, along with Bruce and Clint. They all smiled at her, and Steve held out his hand. Even though she was thirteen, she was still small enough to get swept up and lost in a crowd. The four left the tower, and Zoza sighed softly.

"Are you already nervous for school?" Bruce asked, and she nodded.

"I haven't even started yet, and I'm already worried about whether or not the other kids will like me." she mumbled, and Steve squeezed her hand.

"What's not to like about you? Don't worry, you'll be able to make friends, I swear." he smiled, and she smiled back up at him shyly. They went to the garage, and Steve pulled out his keys.

"Hey Cap, I thought we were supposed to keep senior citizens off of the roads?" Clint teased him, and Steve rolled his eyes.

"For that, you're in the back." Steve chuckled, and Bruce smiled. Clint shrugged and got into the backseat with Zoza, and Bruce sat in the passenger's seat. Steve got in on the driver's side, and he started the car. Zoza kept her gaze to the world beyond the window as they pulled out of the garage. She remained silent for the rest of the drive, and when they got to Staples, Zoza was first to get out. They went inside the store, and she looked around.

"Bruce, do you have the list?" Steve asked, and he shook his head.

"I thought Clint had it." he replied, and Clint looked at him.

"Since when do I remember things?" he asked, and Zoza rolled her eyes. She reached into her pocket and produced a sheet of paper that was folded over six times.

"I've got it." she mumbled, unfolding it carefully. The three adults turned to look down at her, and she shrugged.

"What? I like to think ahead." she read over the list as the men shared a look.

"No more quality time with Natasha. She's teaching you how to mess with us now." Clint shook his head, and Zoza chuckled.

"It's fun though. Now come on, I need five binders, three two inch and two one and a half inch." Zoza looked towards the back of the store, where the binders were all lined up on the shelves. She jogged over, the adults following her. She looked up, and she saw all of the binders she needed on the sixth shelf, the one she couldn't reach. Steve and the others were still a little ways away, so she took matters into her own hands. Doing a double take to make sure no employees were watching, she began to climb the shelves like she did at home. She hoisted herself up just as Steve and Clint reached her, Bruce trailing behind.

"Zoza!" Steve whispered, and she looked down.

"Yes?" she asked as if nothing was wrong.

"What the hell are you doing?" Clint asked, and she grabbed three binders in one hand.

"Getting my stuff. You guys were too slow." she said as Bruce took the binders from her hand. Steve held his arms out for her to jump into, but she just let go of the shelf and jumped down. She hit the ground softly, bracing herself on the shelf and brushing her shirt off.

"What's next?" she asked, and the men all looked at her, to which she shrugged.


By the end of their trip, Zoza had climbed at least four different displays to get what she needed, claiming that the men were all too slow. At the register, Zoza tapped her foot as she scrolled through her phone, still amazed that she had one.

"Steve, wait a second. Let me grab Cynthia a lollipop." Bruce reached for the rack of lollipops.

"That's pretty random. Why?" Zoza asked, and Bruce chuckled.

"She's a sugar fiend. And Strawberry Cheesecake is her favorite." he replied, grabbing the lollipop for his lover. Zoza laughed softly, and Bruce smiled at her.

"That's true love, if you're gonna get her a lollipop, and if you remember her favorites." she nodded, and he set the lollipop with the school supplies.

"I guess you're right." he agreed, and she went back to looking at her phone. Steve set his hand on her back to guide her out of the store, and they all went back to the car. They all got back in, and Clint sat with Zoza, again. during the drive, Steve looked back at her, and she glanced up at him.

"Zoza, what did we learn today?" he asked, and she sighed.

"Not to climb shelves Uncle Steve." she muttered, and he nodded. Clint smiled at her, and when they pulled into the garage, she was the last to get out. Clint pulled her aside before they went into the elevator, and he crouched to her level.

"I thought scaling the shelves was pretty neat. Don't tell Cap I said that, or he'll roast us both." he chuckled, patting her back and walking with her to the elevator.

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