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I still hate it here
But I don't want to
I want to sit together in a meadow
Laying on a blanket and sharing stories
I want to dance when no one's looking
Since we're both bad at it
But we don't care
Because it's just the two of us
No fear, no judgment
I want to star gaze
Knowing how small we are in the universe
But how significant we are to one another
I want to forever be curious
In a constant state of learning about each other
Picking up on habits
All the good and all the bad
I want to think about us in reality
And put a bright pink tab over our memories
Like I do in the books
I want to laugh
To have inside jokes
To be so certain of our desires that we become An unbreakable force
But most importantly I want to go through the bad moments
And return to our meadow unscathed

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