Chapter 2

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"Can I read the next chapter Professor," Frank Longbottom held out his hand from next to Alice, "Of course, Mr. Longbottom," Dumbledore handed over the book ignoring the distraught state of James and Lily as they heard about everything their son had gone through at the hands of his aunt and uncle, "The Keeper Of The Keys," he read out making James smile in anticipation, "Oh good, Hagrid's here. At least now he'll get his letter," Lily's face was like thunder when she remembered how they had torn away all the other letters.

The screen opened up just as a loud 'BOOM' sounded as the camera showed Harry sit up abruptly as the door shook on its hinges. 

The sudden sound startled everyone making them flinch back in surprise.

'BOOM' Dudley jerked awake as he scrambled away from the door. There was the sound of footsteps before Uncle Vernon came skidding into the room with a rifle in hand with Petunia hiding behind him, "Who's there?" He shouted as he pointed the gun at the door, "I warn you-I'm armed."

"Armed with what," Auriga Hawthorne gave a derisive laugh, "That silly little tube." Though this statement didn't seem to sit right with all the wizards and witches that actually understood the implications of that 'silly little tube'. 
"It's not just a tube," Lily cut it turning to look at her, "It's a gun." At the purebloods confused looks and some disgusted ones, Lily continued on, "Think of it like the killing curse or the blasting curse in the muggle world."

The banging stopped for a few seconds before 'SMASH' the door flew opening with a deafening thud and the shadow of a large giant of a man was shown with thunder rumbling in the background. 

"Merlin Hagrid, you'll scare the poor boy," Euphemia shook her head with a slight smile.

He stepped into the light to show a man with a mane of wild shaggy hair and a tangled beard as he bent down to get inside the hut before he turned to look at them. The camera turned to show all of them looking at the man in fear as he smiled at them, "Couldn't make us a cup o' tea, could yeh? It's not been an easy journey. ..." Hagrid said in a gruff voice as strode over to the sofa where Dudley had been sitting frozen in fear, "Budge up, yer great lump."

"Only you Hagrid," Sirius snorted with laughter making the man in question go pink, "Would scare the crap out of someone and then turn around and ask them for a cup of tea."

 Dudley gave a terrified squeak before running to hide behind his mother. The giant then turned as the screen showed Harry standing as he looked at him with wide eyes, "An' here's Harry!"

 Harry looked up into the fierce, wild, shadowy face and saw that the beetle eyes were crinkled in a smile.

Harry's description of him made Hagrid's blush deepen and a smile to bloom on his face as he leaned closer  to the screen to get a closer look.

The giant smiled as he said, "Las' time I saw you, you was only a baby. Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but yeh've got yer mom's eyes." 

"Yes, he does," Lily smiled lovingly as James puffed up his chest proudly making Snape who had staring in disgust at the young boy let out a sneer at James's actions.

Uncle Vernon made a rasping sound as Harry looked at the giant with wide confused eyes, "I demand that you leave at once sir!" Vernon Dursley said in a commanding tone, "You are breaking and entering."  

"Well say what you want about the man," Peter muttered, "But he has guts," everyone around him sent him weird looks all except for the marauders and Lily and her friends who glared at him making him shrink back because for some unfathomable reason he just complimented the person who had abused Harry for years on end.

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