Her Room

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"No way. I'm not going through with it," I shook my head. Normally, I'm pretty relaxed. But now? No. Not happening.  

"Come on Niall," Liam practically begged me.  

"It's only a month. You don't want to disappoint me," Patty rested a hand on my arm. Shivers were sent up my spine. And not the good kind.  

I slowly pulled my arm away and shook my head, "It will be awkward,"  

"Not for me," her blue eyes sparkled with a hint of evil glowing from deep inside. Officially creeped out--and scared--I looked at Liam for help.  

"Niall it's one month. If you're that uncomfortable, you can sleep on the sofa," he dropped her bags and walked out of the hotel room without another word. I still couldn't believe that Simon agreed to this.  

Patty grabbed the smallest of the four bags and carried it to our—her--room before coming back out to grab the rest. I decided to break the silence.  

"Need some help?" I offered and she smiled mischievously.  

"Could you? These bags are so heavy," she dragged out the word "so" and picked up the second smallest of the four, looking at me, trying to suck me in with her tiny blue eyes.  

I bent down to pick up the last two and rolled my eyes. Of course they were heavy, her arms were twigs! I carried them to the bedroom and placed them beside the other two she had carried in on her own.  

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked cautiously. There isn't much you can do at eleven at night. Maybe—hopefully--she just wants to sleep.  

"Okay!" She squealed and literally jumped all the way to the sofa.  

I took a seat beside her, with lots of room in between us, "Any movie suggestions?" I was trying to be nice, really trying, but she was just aggravating me even more.  

"Let's watch The Notebook!" she squealed again. Let's hope the night ends quickly. And the month ends quicker.  

"Sure," I grabbed the remote and searched Netflix until I found the movie.  

During the movie she cried, although it sounded more like squealing. Like when she talks. She kept trying to get close to me, really close. Finally the movie was over and she stood up while I turned the TV off.  

"You coming?" she asked standing in the doorway to our—her--room. There was no way I was going anyway near there.  

"I think I'll stay here for the night," I kept my voice low trying to be nice. She bounced over to me and gave me a small hug. Just as she let go her hand went to my head and she plucked a single hair from my scalp.  

"Ow," I frowned and brought my hand up to the spot where a strand of hair used to be. She laughed and bounced back to the bedroom and closed the door.    

"I GOT IT!" She cackled a little more before it was finally quiet. I fell asleep and dreamed.


Hey guys! It's been a while and I am a horrible person for not being on for so long. Anyways I am here to upload so mwahahaha*coughs* anyways..

Stop questioning the ages!!! Omg it's a freaking story first of all. Second of all it's my story and third of all it's all a part of the plan. Do not question the plan. But to reassure you, no. The girl in the end is like sixteen or seventeen. All good? Great!

There is the picture of Liam..bad Liam! Setting Niall up with this wacko. Tisk, tisk, shame on you!

"I've tried to ask myself

Should I see someone else?

I wish I knew the answer."

Guess the song and singer for a dedication. I'm looking for three different things, singers, specific singer and song title. There's your hint..go guess! (:

Three comments and three votes and I'll upload again! 

Question...how would you feel if Patty died..?

So yeah...comment! :D


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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