Chapter 5

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School closed for the day, 30min earlier than usual, I walk the halls of the school, to the park, the field, in search of my roomies,to the library, who am I kidding?, that's the last place they'll be, I want to present their tickets to them so we can all go, maybe is should try their number
Not reachable, it's like I don't even know what they're up to anymore, anyways, am off to see what this soccer is all about and why it is illegal.

Although I feel so fragile, so famished that every step I take seems am about to fall on my face, been a long day, haven't had anything to eat, except for the burgers I ate before coming this morning, but am so curious am weaving off the hunger, like a warrior who lost his weapon but still heading towards his opponent, maybe I'll just take a bus instead.
Arrived at the designated location,

"Keep the change" I highlighted

Well according to the map, it says walk down 100 meters, under the bridge, take a right turn, but I don't see any path, should I just keep walking, I have to, I mean, it's an illegal game, so it'll have to be hidden, starting to feel a little cozy, there isn't much of bushes, just red boulders everywhere, I can see a gate up ahead,
"Come on" a man in black suit with a label of security at his left chest, he stretch out his arm, what does he want?, I turn back to look if he was referring to someone behind me and yea that was dumb, I had to act fast, they're starting to look impatient with my sluggish act,

"Here" I show them the ticket on my phone.

"Where are the rest of you?"

"Huh" I wondered

"Says here you got three tickets"

"Oh, you mean my friends, they're not around"

Just as I was being questioned, my eyes jammed with the second security guard, he didn't really look me but his eye are staring right into my soul, I start to feel scared, so uncomfortable, feels like am about to pee my pants, a look down lower his face, is his built up chest that's trying to find it's way out of the amour he's wearing.

"Well you can go in, but you can come out until the show's over, which means you can't come out to present your friends tickets when or if they get here" the first guard warned

"You got it boss" I respond casually, forcing a smile on my face,

He escorts me foward into a room which I guess would be an elevator,

"Enjoy the show" he greeted as he pushes a button on the outside, I hear the screeching sound of the elevator starting and moving down, I knew this place seems a little off and vintage, elevator going down and Woah, seems like a whole futuristic city down here, not a person in sight yet but I can hear cheers and applauds, the more I go down the louder it gets, I smile, confirming am in the right place.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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