Chapter Thirty

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I continued to look at the doctor as he flipped through some papers. I just asked him if my child is still alive and he is taking his good time answering my question. The suspense is killing me. As of right now my beautiful fiancé is fine but as for my son I'm not too sure. He finally looked at me,

"Is he ok?!" I yelled "is my son alive?!"

"He is"

I did a sigh of relief,

"But" Dr. Charles continued "he is very high at risk his immune system needs to be built up we also need to run a few test to make sure everything is ok"

"Can I see him?"

The doctor smiled "yes"

I felt myself cry, I turned to where I was sitting and went over to Jason,

"He's here, Ethan is here"

Jason smiled and hugged me "congrats Jake I'm so happy for you"

"I'm going to see him now, when they come back tell them I'm visiting my son" I smiled "I have a son"

I looked down at Maria,

"Daddy is going to see your brother I'll be back I promise"

She hugged me "give him a kiss for me"

"I will princess"

I headed back to the doctor. I followed him through the doors and he led me down different hallways and over to an elevator. We stepped inside and he hit the number six button,

"Ya know" he said "you have a beautiful family"

"I know and I wouldn't trade it for the world"

"Ethan is a handsome boy from the little sight I had of him and my is he tiny"


"He's the littlest baby I've ever seen"


"And Payton my god she's strong yeah she was a little drugged but before that she wanted us to start the operation before putting her to sleep she didn't want an epidural or nothing she wanted him out and once we got him out we showed him to her and she couldn't help but smile I know she can't wait until you see him"

The elevator stopped and we stepped out. I followed him through more halls and we went through a set of doors. He handed me blue scrubs I put them on along with a mask then we went through another set of doors. We stopped in front of a window. I looked in and saw many of babies,

"He's right there" Dr. Charles said pointing through the glass window

I looked where he was pointing and saw the littlest baby. So many tubes are in him and hooked to him. Its sad to see but without those there he wouldn't make it. I hugged the doctor,

"Thank you" I cried "thank you for saving not only my fiancé and being there but thank you for helping her give birth to our handsome baby boy"

"It's my job Mr. Thomas" he then continued to walk away but he then stopped and turned to me "you coming?"

I followed close behind him. He opened a door then typed in some numbers which opened another door. We then were in a different room. He told me to sit in the chair and I did. He pushed a button and in came a nurse pushing an incubator. I looked at the doctor and he smiled. She moved it closer and inside is my son. I lifted the door flap and ran my hand over his head,

"He's perfect" I smiled

He has my dark hair along with my nose and mouth but he has Payton's ears. I looked at the head of the incubator and it has his information;

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