Monday Afternoon

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As I approach the huge building in front of me I start to picture the people around it like Lindsay Lohan does in Mean Girls. All the stereotypical cliques acting like wild animals - the jocks laughing at the younger students, cheerleaders squealing about some hot popstar, nerds talking about some new comic and so forth.

Me, well I'm the unrecognised loner. I keep my head down in school, I'm not big on the whole socialising thing, even if I wanted too I doubt I could talk to someone I just stutter like a fool.

I walk through the doors to my locker and start sorting my books for first period. I'm a junior, I'm still sixteen but I take some AP classes with the seniors, which is why my first period calculus class is. I start walking through the crowds looking at through my Instagram feed as I do so, we aren't really supposed to use our phones during school hours but hey the first bell hasn't rang. I keep scrolling occasionally glancing at where I'm going when I suddenly make contact with a locker, causing me to fall. Great just my luck, I start picking up my books and my phone which now has a cracked screen.

"Should have watched where you were going, eh?" I look up into hazel eyes, I gulp what do I say? He keeps staring at me, when the first bell rings and I jump. "I'd love to wait for your answer princess, but Bailey will have my balls if I'm late again, see ya!" with that he saunters off in the opposite direction and I'm still in shock, the schools mysterious bad boy just spoke to me and I couldn't even reply. He looks back over his shoulder and smirks at me, I need to stay out of his way last week he apparently punched a guy for walking into him, and now ive just ignored him twice. The final bell rings again, shit I'm going to be late so I run to my calculus class on the other side of school.

I'm late in but Mrs Butterfield doesn't mind, I'm one of her favourite students, I think its cause I'm quiet and actually pay her attention. I sit in my seat behind Brandi Shaw, head cheerleader or queen bitch if we are referring to Mean Girls again - yeah so I'm obsessed with the movie. She is sitting beside her boyf.. well I don't know if they are dating they are off and on so much but yeah her kinda boyfriend quarterback Nick Wilson. They literally make out the whole lesson, I mean how are they even doing AP classes when they don't listen? That is basically how the rest of my day proceeds like, watching the cliques go about their usual routine while I remain quietly in the background.

When school is finished I go to the library to start my homework and get some books, I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to reading I love all different types of books most recently I'm obsessed with John Green Paper Towns, some quotes from it fit so perfectly with my life. Auntie Lou has even read after my persistence and she keeps telling me the quote, "she loved mysterious so much she became one" is the perfect quote for me, it makes me sad sometimes that she thinks I'm a mystery, it's not my fault I don't want to talk about anything, or the particular thing she always wants to talk about. Everyone copes with things in life differently, I like to keep my thoughts and memories to myself, that why I'm mysterious.

I return some books and browse through the shelves, when I hear a ruckus at the doors, there's a group of guys in a crowd together. I can tell some of them are jocks because they are wearing their jerseys, what are they up too?

"Get out! This is a library, a place of silence not a hangout area for you hooligans!" I hear the librarian shout, they start laughing at her, and I feel bad for her they can be really rude when they want too. Suddenly there is a loud bang the doors are open and two guys are standing there, "Are you dicks going move or are you just going to stand and stare?" Says the smaller guy, he looks familiar I think he is in my English class. Almost immediately the jocks move out of their way except Nick Wilson who laughs in their faces and mumbles something I can't make out, next thing I know the other guy whose face I still haven't seen is punching him, the rest of the jocks get him of Nick and they scurry out. I haven't realised I'm staring till I make contact with familiar hazel eyes, I glance away and pick up my stuff and head for the door to leave.

"Staring again princess?" I just keep my head down and reach for the door, only for a hand to push it close again, I look up to see him smirking at me. "What did I tell you about watching where you were going?" he chuckles, I'm about to try and speak when his friend interrupts, "dude we need to leave oldie over there is having fit cause you punched the spice boy!" I take this as my opportunity to slip past them out the door, I start jogging away from the library so he can't speak to me again. I hear shouting behind me but I just ignore him, soon it fades and I walk thinking I'm alone, until I realise there's a car driving slowly beside me. I turn round to see him smirking again, ugh I'd love to smack that smirk of his face, he is pure stalking me right now. My phone starts beeps signalling a message, I look down and see Lou's name.

Where are you?! X

Crap the dinner, I look to my left and see he is still staring at me. "Are you mute or something princess or do you just not want to speak to me? As I'm suddenly starting to get offended."

I stutter, "S-sorry"

"Ahh so she speaks, you in a rush or something?"

"K..kindaa, I'm uhh late for s..something"

"I see, want a ride?"

Oooh will she say yes? Find out tomorrow! Comment and vote :)

-TLO xo

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