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So I wrote back to morrissey and it was a bit like this:
"hi again morrissey! I would love to meet you, that has been my dream for a really long time. I am going to London for three weeks. Can you meet me there?" And I got a respond from him. "Hi! I am actually in London right now. Want to meet me on Saturday? I would love too!! /Sincerely yours Morrissey

I arrived to London at Friday and slept over a friends house. I was ready to go meet morrissey. We met at the Oxford street and I was a bit blushed and amazed that he standed right next to me!!!

"Hi, morrissey" I said
"Oh hi, you must be Kim.
Really nice to meet you!"

I thought so too.

We went around in the beautiful London and talked for hours. I asked a loot of questions. It was really great!
and to stand next to my idol and my favourite artist/band member was just amazingly cool.
"I really want to meet and talk about life with you sometime again" said

"Yeah me too" I said

When I got home to my friends house I told all about what happened. At that time I was really happy!
I couldn't feel more satisfied and happy as I was that time.
1 week later I wrote him a new letter. "Hi morrissey! I just have to say that I had such I nice time with you and I really like you! So if you want to meet me I am going to this "party" on Friday! If you want to come you can! / your Kim.

I arrived at the party with my friend that I lived with and it was kind of fun! But Morrissey wasn't there... Maybe he didn't get my letter or maybe he didn't want to come.. :((

"Hi" someone said behind me

I turned around and saw a boy with nice hair and a nice outfit.
"Hi" I said back
He was really cute.
"I am Scott, what's your name?"
"My name is Kim" I said a bit shyly
"Do you want to dance Kim?"
"Yeah sure" I said and took his hand and walked to the dance floor.
We danced a really long time and we was really tired. I was in need to sit down a little bit and he sat next to me.
We were really drunk...
He reached for my lips and kissed. And in that time "there is a light that never goes out came on the radio. Also that time we kissed Morrissey saw it....
And I was kind of in love with Morrissey and I think he likes me too. But now I ruined it kissing this Scott guy....

I hope you liked it! This chapter is a bit longer then the other one.
As I said earlier Kim does not have a gender. But you can choose what gender you want on Kim. So it can be a boy a girl or something else.
If you liked it, push on the like button or send a comment or something so I know what you think of it. And you can also get me some tips too get the story better!! /Sincerely yours, Teddie

please, please, please go out with me? to:you from:morrisseyWhere stories live. Discover now