1-10. Heart attacks.

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Lets make this gruesome but not too cruel.

Heart attacks.

1. Finding a book, a notebook and writing someone's name in it by accident. They die 30 seconds later from a heart attack.

2. Scaring someone so much, they drop 30 seconds later.

3. Gifting someone else your depression and making them eat wayyyy to much. (You either have a depression or your looking for a way to kill someone lol)

4. Making me lose all my fucking writing progress.

5. Putting someones biggest fear before them. (Thats also good for kidnapping if the heart attack doesn't work)

6. Gifting someone else your depression and making them overweight.

7. Coming out of the closet before your Cristian parents.

8. Standing before a window with a clown mask, scaring those with clownphobia but also without!

9. Faking your death and saying hello as a ghost.

10. Do other ghost shit but with a ghoul mask.

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