11-20 Acid.

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Im sorry if you had to deal with this, acid is such a bad drink.

11. Making someone drink acid is awesome! (Its still 1000 ways to kill someone~)

12. Getting a needle and injecting acid into someone's blood stream.

13. Stabbing someone in the stomach and filling it with acid.

14. Putting acid in the sky and waiting till it rains (They'll get hurt so just stab em, and take an iron umbrella.)

15. Going to a beach and switch out acid with sun lotion, before offering it to someone or putting it in their face.

16. Making someone drink acid.

17. Playing with things your not supposed to, finding acid in your mom/dads drawer and making a drink, then you give it to your parent/s. (Parents suck)

18. Acid man? Anyone? You know, Saiki k?

19. Dreaming of killing everyone with acid. But it actually happened.

20. (This is only if your a docter) Putting acid into a life bag thing instead of drugs.

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