The "Calm" Hour

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This is a Prologue therefore

This happens before the story starts...  

Just thought I should let you know.../j

This story is told by our main boy, Mio



Date: November 29th, 2033

It felt like just yesterday. A cold November breeze, coated my childhood home. I lived in a small village, where we all lived as a joined community. Our population in the village, was roughly around 109. According to town legend, we are descendants of human's from thousands of years ago. We never did anything wrong. We didn't deserve what happen to us. What happen to them. What happen to me. 

It was like every other day, children ran around in the field's, while the adult's are at work in the village.  It was around noon, if my memory serves me correct. It was the time we called, the calm hour, in my town. Nothing about this day was calm. That's because, this was the day, he came to us. You might be wondering what I'm talking about. I'm talking about Uta Sushimi. He was a Zora, or what some may call, The Dead Ones. But they are far from just dead. They are immortal. The adults in town always talk about them. That's the only reason why I know about them. They are beings that were once human, but were sent to the underworld. And if they got out of the underworld, they would turn into Zora. Most of the people sent there were bad people, but then once they go to the underworld they are only made worse, which is why most people stopped sending them there. 

When he arrived he had this distinct smell of death. No really. He smelled like a rotting corpse and he was covered in blood. I don't know why he came here, but he knew what he was doing. I was there. I don't remember many of the details, but after hearing the screams of my friends, I ran. Sound had become nonexistent, because all I could hear were screams. I ran all the way to my home to tell my parents, but they already knew. They told me to hide under the stairs, and not to leave. As I sat there, I heard burning fire's, painful screams, children crying, all of these sound's that still ring in my head. I remember my mother next to the stairs, trying to console me and my father blocking the door. There was a crack in the stairs so I could see out. I thought it would end, but I was such a naive child, to think the chaos would end. It did, just not the way I wanted it to. 

Uta had already known they were in there, so he forced his way in. The last I saw of my parent's was a pile of blood seeping through the stairs. I couldn't scream, even if I wanted to. I just couldn't make any sounds. He walked around looking for anyone else around, but didn't find anyone. I thought he was gone, but he knew I was there. When I saw him, I couldn't do anything, I just stood there. I wanted it to be over, but I wanted to live. But he never killed me, otherwise I wouldn't be here telling you this story. You see, the bit of him that was still human, must have gotten to him because he didn't kill me. He leaned down to me and said "Do you want to live?" I only nodded because my word's were stuck in my throat. "Very well then, good luck," he said, before I became enveloped in darkness. 

I thought I was dead, turns out, he sent me to the underworld. It look just like the adults would describe it. It was terrifying. I saw people begging to be saved. I saw them burning from the hellfire below. They wanted me to help them. I wanted to help them but I was scared of them. I had to get out some how. So I started climbing their burning body's. Burning embers singed my skin. It burned. I burned so much. I was desperate. I kept going, I wanted freedom. I wanted to live. When I reached the top, it went dark again. When I awoke, I was home again. It was just how it was left. Blood on every wall, leaking through the stair cracks and the man standing in front of me, only something was different. Not with my environment, but with me. My burns had gone away and tears When I looked at myself, my eye's where the white should have been, was black. My eye's were glowing yellow in the middle. The man that had attacked my village, barged into my home, and kill my parents, turned me into a Zora. Why? I could not tell you. I wanted to scream but I was just frozen. He had leaned down again. "Now, use your power wisely boy, or I'll come back here and kill you," he said. 

Then he got up, turned around, and walked away. After a few minutes, I walked out to see my entire village was dead. Not a single soul was to be found, alive. Why, was all I could think. Why me? He killed everyone, except me. Anger was all I could feel at this point. I wanted him dead more than anyone who had ever wronged me. Was this some sort of punishment? Or maybe I should have just let him kill me. I screamed out my lungs that day. That 'calm' hour. You wanna know the most fucked up part about all this? I was only 5-years-old. I still remember it till this day. I remember it all. I remember the endless ring of screams, the smell of burning katsura trees, the pool of blood at my feet, the flesh melting of their bones, the night black tears I cried, and the man who caused it all. I never forgot and for as long as I live, I will never forget. And I will never forgive. Never.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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