chapter 5

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Your POV

The next day I woke up early. And I mean really early, the sun was not even rising yet. I look to my right seeing Opals blue eyes looking at me.

"Shorty? What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep anymore. Is everything alright, You seemed deep in thought."

"I really want to fly together with you today."

"I'd love to, but we have to discuss it with the others."

I could feel Opals irritation at my words.

"Calm down big guy"

"I don't care what they say, I'm taking you with me today."

Before I could answer him he withdraw from my mind and fell asleep again.
I decide that sleeping is the best option for now.


A few hours later I woke up again. Seeing that Eragon and Brom we're also awake.
When I try to stand up I can feel my muscles hurting form our training yesterday. When we we're ready to leave again I walked towards shadow when suddenly Opal started growling, spooking the horses.

"What's wrong with him" Eragon asked after calming Cadoc.
When I didn't answer Opal started to growl louder.
"(Y/N)?" Brom said walking towards me.
"He wants me to fly with him today." I finally say.
"Well you have a saddle so I don't see why not." Brom said and walked towards Opals saddle and putting it on his back.
"Who is going to take Orlando
Shadow?" I ask slightly unsure about it.
"I will hold him." Eragon said and untied shadow's reins.

I got onto Opals saddle while Brom was explaining to me how to fly a Dragon.
After that they mounted their horses


"Yes, but be careful."


After that he took off with a powerful flap of his wings. And we we're in the air. I was holding onto the saddle with my eyes closed.

"Try to relax shorty. Nothing is going to happen."

"Yeah sure" I answers him sarcastic

"Trust me, open your eyes and enjoy the view."

I slowly started opening my eyes. When I finnaly did I felt myself relax immediately.

"Told ya so."

I could hear him say. We were flying like this for a few hours until I felt something touch my mind.
I pulled away from it but it didn't go away it only got stronger until I heard a voice in my head.


"Eragon? What are you doing. You shouldn't enter someone's mind without their permission"

"I know, but its already getting late so maybe you and Opal should come down. Brom is already preparing dinner."

"We will"

After that I felt Eragon withdrawn from my mind. Opal started diving immediately
When we reached the ground dinner was almost ready. While we we're waiting we started training with fake swords again, but the training didn't last long because we we're already tired from the journey.

***2 day timeskip***

"I hope we are going the right way. Because if we don't reach Yazuac today, we are in trouble" Eragon said holding his empty waterbag.
"I made this trip before. We will reach Yazuac before the evening." Brom said.
Brom seemed to be right. Opal and Saphira we're the first to discover the city.

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