second page of untold story

16 3 1


Growing up in a place like mine was hell on earth.There is no reassurance that you will be alive tomorrow breathing,see the faces of your loved ones and be able to just give them a hug.People here leave while keeping the saying in mind"tomorrow might never come".Its hard to be in this and if people were given a chance to leave they will take in a heartbeat.

"I think she is waking up,lets give her time before asking her questions.
"yes sir!"

I could hear voices murmuring around me but i could not make out who they belong to.I tried to open my eyes but the lights were blinding me. 

"Try blinking it will help you to adjust to the light."one voice says

"Why does my head hurt?it seems my head got impact with something.

"You hit the ground badly when you fainted you went head first but are you ok summer?"

The voice says again but this time I can tell who it belongs to.

"Nurse is that you?"I ask

"yes its me and its over."she says

"What is over?I asked and the nurse had this wierd look on her face a mixture of disbelieve,confusion and contentment and i dont know why.

"Summer are you sure you dont remember anything that happened last night?she asks.

  I shake my head yes.

"No!no!no this can't be,"she shouts you are the only person that can save me .
she starts to shake me violetly with tears streaming down her face"you have to remember you need to am sure they can't let me go to jail for something i didnot do.

"Nurse what are you talking about and can you let me go you are starting to hurt."

A man dressed in police uniform whom i did not realise was there till now started to pull the nurse away from me.

"let me go!Can't you see i have to make her remember."the nurse shouts

"We are sorry ma'am but you are under arrest for murder anything you say will be and can be used against you in a court of law.You have the right to remain silent.

"Take her away!"orders another officer

"Summer please think of my children they dont have anybody else,"the nurse says as she is pulled out of the room with her hands handcuffed behind at that moment i had what-the-hell-is-happening look.

I look at the two police men infront of me hoping that they are going to explain what just happened because i am confused just like you.

Instead of giving me an explanation both of them stand up and just walk out.As they go out of the door my parents walk right after them with long faces.

"My mother's eyes were looking red from crying i guess.

"Oh my baby are you ok?she asks as she pulls me into a hug.

"You got us all worried we thought we lost you for good."

Mum what happened?she slowly untangled me from her embrace and looks at me with her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets before she asked

"You dont remember anything?

"Yes mum i dont remember anything,our school nurse went all nuts with me pleading with me to help her out i dont even now what happened can someone please tell me what happened."

My mum looks at my dad from the look on their faces you could see they were having some silent conversation through their eyes.

Before anyone could answer me a women waked in,"hello everyone,its good to see that finally you are awake samar took you long i must say.

Am sure by now you have realised that she doesn't remember what happened .

"Yes doctor,my dad answers.

Now that i take a closer look at her i notice she is dressed in one of the doctor's gowns and am guessing am in a hospital room too.

"you have nothing to worry about thats just a common thing to happen.when the brain is exposed to lots of things especially violence it tends to bury it at some place which sooner or later will be retrived."

"but doctor are you sure thats the only thing she forgot,"my mum asked.

"yes mrs Ahmed thats is the only thing she forget if you dont believe it you can ask her some question just so you can be satisfied."

"ok_whats your name?

"samar Ahmed"


"17 years"


"the one and only zayn malik"

"i dont even know what you see in that boy,he is a celebrity meaning he doesnot know you even exist but am satisfied as long as she considers zayn her boyfriend then that means she did not forget a thing."

"Good then,now that thats settled we better give time to Samar to rest she has been through alot.

They all stand up and walk out with my parents tagging behind.

I could hear my mum ask,"doctor my child has been through alot do you think she will ever recover from that ordeal?"

"Ok,"i sigh out.I dont know what happened to me and why people keeps saying i have been through alot but i need to figure this out real quick."

Is this going to take a day,a week,a month or a year?that i dont know but do hang around to find be continued................


if you read this chapter and enjoyed it please dont forget to vote or comment it means alot to me and also answer this

"Are you a yesterday,today or tomorrow person"whatever you choose clearly defines something.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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