Beginning of the Curse

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Growing up Lia and Halie always have an argument even for small things Halie doesn't like to share her stuff back then and everytime Lia borrows a stuff she won't let them have it they would fight day and night Halie is always jealous of Lia because she's their Grandma's fav grandchild (mother side)..

Halie always gets compared to Lia on how nice she was to people and Halie is being all grumpy
"Why can't u be like your sister?" Those are the words that their grandmother always say to her

Halie would bully Lia all the time non stop and they would always have an argument the words stuck in halie's head was "Lia is better,Lia is so perfect,Lia is everyone's favorite"

But in the end Lia would spend time with Halie treating her better than how she treats her Lia would go to halie and say " Onee~Chan let's play!"

As time goes by after Matthew died Lia fell into depression this made halie's heart ache seeing her sister in pain even if she hated her she would find ways for them to play and be close

Halie saved Lia from doing suicide so many times from her overdosing sleeping pills, hanging herself up,jumping off a building or car,getting ran over by a vehicle

Halie always sacrificed herself to protect her she made a deal with Matthew's brother for Lia just so she could visit matthew every day when they were in Japan she knows how important Matthew is to her sister

Tasha on the other hand is in England doing modeling it hurts her to know the state Lia was in after Matthew's death even if she wants to go back and comfort her she couldn't cause she's busy with her work as a model she wants to comfort her sister but her manager said no to her request

She has no choice but to do what he says back in Japan Lia was staring at the sky crying while her parents and siblings were looking at her then comforts her it's still hard to accept the fact that her best friend, her buddy and the guy she loves is gone

Lia would always look at the stars to calm down even if it brings memories of him star gazing with her and Sero its how they bond together

She misses him so much, she misses all the times they spent together as a trio from at the age of 5 to the age of 13 as she held on to the necklace Matthew gave her its a promise necklace

As a flashback came into her mind of the time Matthew gave to her the necklace there she was looking at him and chatting with him while Sero gave a tiny box to him and offers it to her

"What's this?" Lia asked and confused as Matthew opens the box there a necklace, a heart shaped necklace was there as he asked Lia if he could put it and she nodded a yes to him

As Matthew puts on the necklace there he was looking at her "this is a gift from me to you happy birthday Lia I promise to always be there for the 2 of you" he said smiling as that flashback fades

Tears from Lia's eyes drips down her cheek crying in pain as she remembers the happy times they were together while looking up at the starry sky in an empty place where she had a deep breath before screaming

"MATTHEW I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU I WILL ALWAYS LOVE AND CHERISH THE THINGS YOU GIVE TO ME I MISS YOU MATTHIE!" She said before breaking down into tears underneath the starry night sky.

You will always be in my heart Matthew I love you I know that our fate isn't ok we were never meant to be in the first place always remember that you were the guy I ever loved other than my family

Thanks for making me realize that I'm perfect just the way I am I will never forget you my Matthie see you in our next life I hope in our next life we can be together

I promise to always be close to Sero I love you good bye as those words are set in her mind she will always love him

"Till death do us part as we grow and see the light we will always stick together as a trio" - Matthew.....

"Till death do us part as we grow and see the light we will always stick together as a trio" - Matthew

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Here lies Matthew Akuro died at the age of 13

cause of death: murder at 3:20 p.m.

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