The End's beginning.

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All was quiet while I sat, watching, waiting.
It was all a bit too silent though and I began fearing the worst, advancing toward the water I noticed small bubbling in the water, rising air.
"Fuck!" I yelped, I turned hard on my heel, water splashing me as I tried to flee from the waters edge.
I came to a harsh stop next to Roach, turning back to see my friend, sword in hand, knee deep in water trying to fight back the hideous beast.
Then all of a sudden he was gone, back under the water, this time no air was rising, Roach nudged me quietly.
In a state of panic I raced back towards the edge, jumping in to grab his sword, he grabbed it from me managing to free himself and stab it.
It was over faster than I thought it would be.
"Never invite me while I don't have a sword, Gerald." he chuckled, while removing his sword from the monster who now lay dead in the middle of the water, I lifted my damp skirt and turned, wading toward the edge with him following behind, I shook my head in attempts to rid the water from my hair while Gerald got distracted by a baby deer who didn't have the best run during the madness.

Gerald was finally ready to go when I had already mounted my own horse and put on my cloak, another attempt to dry off, had I thought it would be this cold I would have brought gloves.
He climbed up onto Roach and we set off on our trip.
"Where are we going?"
I asked, he looked at me almost deadpanned before sarcastically replying,
"Did you not listen on the way to the swamp?" he asked, I shook my head.
He sighed heavily, then it was loud silence again, horses feet were the only melody on our travels.
Soon I got fed up, reaching over, giving Roach a big ol' pat on the neck,
"Is a good boy Roach!"
my voice was high pitched and babyish,
"Is Buck not a good boy?"
Gerald chuckled as I sat back into my saddle, my reins tightening as I took up contact with my horses mouth again, his ears flicked as I did so,
"Nah, Buck knows he's a good boy, How many times a day does Roach get told he's a good boy?"
I said, my head held high and a slight hint of sarcasm gracing my words.
Gerald rolled his eyes as we stepped up onto the main road through the forest, the gates into Blaviken just up ahead, the closer we got the more the streets seemed to buzz with people, towns folk stepping aside as we strode through, swaying back and forth as we made our way to the tavern.
I dismounted next to Gerald, quickly tieing up out horses before pocketing some coin from my saddle bag so it wouldn't be stolen, walking behind him as we swept into the tavern quietly, making our way down the steady wooden stairs, our boots the only noise as the voices hushed and fell to silence.
I stood by the doorway, out of earshot of the conversation at the bar but in close enough proximity to hear Gerald getting bashed, I stood silently, eyeing up and down the people who looked at me, I was distracted but pulled from my toxic gaze when I noticed a man about 2 heads smaller than my friend advancing towards him.
"You mutant son of a bitch."
My heart dropped, I looked from the man to Gerald who didn't care, all I could do was hope he didn't do anything stupid.
I walked towards Gerald very slowly, my heels clicking, my hand on the helm of my sword as the metal was covered by the fabric draping down my sides, I had left it on Buck in the swamp because according to Gerald,
'I never make very wise decisions'
Unfortunately, that is true, Gerald is right.
My heavy boots on the floor were the only noise in that moment,
"Can you not leave it alone for a moment?"
A women at the end of the bar shouted out, her voice stopping the men in their tracks.
The men turned to her, disgust on their faces.
"Witchers can't be trusted-"
She cut him off without hesitation
"I'm not speaking to you."
She snapped at him, bit his tongue, the rest turning red while Gerald continued to stare at them.
after a moment they turned and went back to their seats, she ordered herself and Gerald drinks, giving me the opportunity to slip back to the doorway of the tavern, an unfortunate habit I had picked up from a day that a tavern I was staying in caught fire on my travels.
Gerald and I often split ways but it had changed almost 3 years ago.
The women threw an eye on me before strutting toward Gerald, jug in hand, pouring him another drink, locking eyes with me, what was she doing?
Trying to annoy me?
Make me jealous? Nah, Gerald and I had been friends for years, he may do as he pleased.
I held eye contact with her before she gave up, looking down at Gerald.
Just as I was about to stand up and walk towards them the barman placed a drink in the table next to me.
I huffed, picking it up and gently sipping from it while still observing the rest of the tavern.
But my day was to be brightened when I heard a very recognisable voice.
She squeaked at Gerald who looked over at me, I gave a simple nod, putting my drink down on the table again, resting my hand over top the hollow cup.
The women locked eyes with me again as soon as Gerald was out of view, she rolled her eyes at me before continuing to eat her breakfast.
I chuckled quietly to myself, downing my drink and heading to find a quiet place to sit and drink away from the drunken idiot who swayed around me, singing and dancing.
Sitting into the corner I got another drink, the barman gave me a nod as I slipped him two coins for both drinks.
He shook his head, raising his hand and walked away, I had done a contract for him not that long ago and saved his daughter from a curse, he still feels he owes me.
As soon as I was settled into the corner I took sips of my drink, playing with the strings of the coin pouch I had brought in with me.
With 3 drinks down I was upset to see Gerald walking towards me telling me we have our information, and it was time to leave, I sighed, rising to my feet and downing my drink before following him out the door.
Geralt walked through the crowds of people, all shuffling to the side away from us as we walked, my eyes focused on Geralts boots.
They were mucky, leaving leafs and half detailed footprints behind him, I traced his steps, placing my feet in the same as his were, my eyes inched up to his legs, the way the leather fabric sculpted his legs and moved with him.
The subtle clinking of his sword as we walked drew my eyes to look up at his shoulders, drawn large before me, stretch while he walked, arms swaying slightly.
"You're very busy back there."
He muttered, the tavern door opening to let the chilled air sweep in, my face stayed that of focus while I examined his face as he looked at me over his shoulder.
I gave a half smirk, watching how the small strands of hair danced in the sweeping wind, he looked back out the door, holding it open as he walked out,
"Geralt, leave me here, I have enough money for the inn."
His shoulders stiffened, stopping next to Roach with a deep inhale before turning to face me,
"Are you sure?"
I gave a nod, his face never changing.
Geralt did not want to leave me here, I couldn't be left here I was a witcher and a women, I wasn't meant to exist, forget a male witcher.
But I had a feeling, he wouldn't leave for long.
My eyes fell onto his, locking the lingering contact for a bit as we stared at each other, each others thoughts bellowing smoke that clogged out throats, realistically, if he did leave me here, God only knows when we'd cross paths again.
Geralt didn't say anything, just pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly to his chest.
I chuckled slightly, wrapping my arms around him, inhaling the familiar sent I knew all too well, Geralt of rivia was my home, I could recognise everything about him.
The smell of horse, leather and forest lingered on him as if they were having a never ending banquet on his clothes.
He tightened his grip on me before burring his face into my hair, a deep breath rising in his chest before he let go,
"Safe travels Geralt."
I whispered, holding onto his arm as he looked down at me, his eyes tracing my face.
"Don't die while i'm gone."
He whispered, I chuckled allowing my head to drop while I laughed, an airy laugh left his lips, my head rose again, eyes meeting his.
I rested my hand on his cheek, leaning up to leave a small kiss on the scar under his eye, a usual goodbye ritual between us.
When I finally stepped away from him, he smiled at me, I released his arm as he walked over to Roach.
Watching Roach walk out of the gates of balvakin made me realise that I was alone for the first time in years.
My heart sank at the thought of never meeting Geralt again.
My stomach dropped when I noticed Geralt looking back at me, eyes dancing around my body as I stood, unable to move from my spot, watching my bestfriend get further and further from me.
Destiny better play in my favour.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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