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The school was out for Winter break and it felt quite relieving. I packed up my stuff and rushed to the store. I walked in and looked for something to buy. I decided that I'll just get some chips and drinks. There was a new game that came out so I went to that section to see if it was on sale. There was no one there so I assumed that they just opened. I found the game and went to the checkout. When I got there the boy was just standing there already checking out the alternate version of the game I got.
"Hey, you play that game too?" He looked up at me and asked

"Am I not allowed to?" I looked away and said

"No, you can play what you want" He chuckled a bit and asked.

"So what can I do for you?" I placed the items on the counter and he got to work. His fingers move so fast I couldn't keep track of them. He finished typing and asked "$68.99 is your total. Will you be using cash or a card?" I looked at him and handed him a fifty and a twenty. He put the money in the register and handed me my change. "A dollar and a penny is your change, here's your receipt. Have a nice day." He handed me the bag and waved at me.
"You know that I'm your only customer. Why don't we talk for a bit?" He looked at me and gave me a nod signaling me to go on. "I noticed, you haven't given me your name yet. And you don't seem to like to wear your nametag. Is there a reason for that?" He thought about it for a bit. He stood up straight and played with a coin that he pulled out.

"I don't have to wear my name because I own this store. As for my name, I'll have to get to know you a bit more for me to give it to you" I was shocked to hear that he owned one of my favorite stores. But the second response made me a bit mad. What is he trying to say? He needs to know me a little more, I thought to myself. "Hey, why are you pouting all of a sudden? Did my response make you mad?" I turned bright pink when I realized what I was doing. I turned around quickly and left the store. He waved at me and went back to looking at his phone. I walked home and started to unwrap the plastic on the game. I popped it into my console and booted it up. The game started and I played through it. I got stuck on a level and couldn't get through. I tried to look up a tutorial but remembered that the game just came out so I couldn't do that. I tried doing it again and again but still failed. I gave up and threw my controller. My mom called for me to come downstairs so I got up and walked over there. When I got downstairs I saw that there were luggage bags on the floor. I knew what was going to happen but instead of walking over to my room to pack up my things, I felt some tears going down my face. Before I knew it, I was crying. I fell to the floor and the tears kept pouring out of my eyes. My parents walked over to me and started to comfort me.

"It's not what you think. We aren't moving again." I looked up at them with confusion in my eyes. "Your mom and I are just going on a business trip for a while." I started to process what they were saying. I gave them both a hug and cried even more.

"Thank you," I told them and passed out. I always pass out when I cry a lot or something happens when my power goes overdrive.

"Where am I?" I say to myself. I look around and see that I'm in my room. There was a knock on the door. I got up and walked over to open the door. When I did my mom and dad were there and took me downstairs. They said their goodbyes and left the house. I walked back up to my bedroom and lay down. I looked around and saw my game controller on the floor. I got up and picked up the controller. I examined it and saw that it was damaged when I threw it before. I sighed before putting on my jacket and started walking to the store. It was around eight o'clock so I hoped that it was still open. I walked into the store and saw the boy reading a book while playing with a pencil. I walked towards him and greeted him.
"What brings you back today?" he asked. I told him about how I threw my controller when I got mad. He shook his head and said "Well, head to aisle 12 there should be some controllers. If there isn't any then come back to me. I've got some in the storage"

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