Party planning

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(T) morning aunt cas

(C) morning sweetie

(T) so today is the party planning day for his birthday?

(C) yes it is, we need to decide on where it will be and what type of there

(T) it’s only two weeks away so we have time

(C) where is hiro?

(T) he had to stop by wasabi’s place for some books

(C) alright well I have this notebook of gift ideas for him

(T) what do you have so far since I have some items in my shopping list for hiro

(C) I picked out a gummy bear lamp, some sketch books for his projects, tool kit and extra clothes

(T) I have a couple hoodies for him designed with a gummy bear, robotics and animals

(C) that’s a good choice, who are we inviting?

(T) well from what I know is hiro doesn’t have that many friends besides our usual group

(C) so Honey, Wasabi, Fred, Gogo and Bex

(T) yeah

(C) so the theme would possibly some type of robotic type

(T) that or this *shows photos* he does like green, but these are the only ones I could find

(C) that works

(T) plus we can do black, blue and green themed balloons

(C) nice

(T) I’ll figure out other gifts for hiro, does he own a pride flag?

(C) no he doesn’t have anything, he’s been saving up money for it but hasn’t gone out to buy anything if it isn’t for school

(T) I’ll add some things then

(C) alright well hiro should be home soon so we can also get ideas from him

(T) yeah

(C) doesn’t he need a new laptop or phone?

(T) his laptop does have duct tape across it so possibly a new laptop

(C) alright *writes down on list* well we got this much so far so we should be ready for the next two weeks, I may need to give you my list so you can do the shopping

(T) I’ll do the shopping since most of my schedule has been free so I have time since your also busy with the café

(C) thank you tadashi

(T) no problem 

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