We meet a psycho ( a cyclops, idiot) Yeah...that

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"Connor! Travis! Come on , we don't want to be late ,"Our mom called out from the car . She was gonna give us a surprise for our tenth birthday . It isn't a surprise anymore because we kind of found out that we were going to Long Island , but we don't know why or where exactly in Long Island . Mom is a travel show host and was probably done with New York 's shooting and waiting for us in the car. "Bye , Mrs.Cooper !", we waved at our mom's friend. Mom wanted to meet her childhood friend and introduce us to her kids and they were pretty cool."It's gonna take us an hour and a half or so to reach there ", Connor said exited ly . "Yeah, It'll be fun!",I said . We both liked travelling like our mom. We ran down the stairs,shouldered our backpacks , laced our sneakers and rushed out . As we got to the car, we saw a huge man . I mean seriously humongous . He had an eye. Just one eye. In the middle of his forehead ."Well , hello my friends ! ", the giant smiled and hit us on the head real hard and we blacked out .
When I opened my eyes white spots danced around my vision . I could see a few cardboard boxes in front of me . Once my vision and senses cleared , I started taking it all in. Our hands and legs were tied up. We were sitting in a corner of a huge storage area which looked like it hadn't been used for years . Did the guy kidnap us for money . How much ransom does he want?
"Travis!", Connor said ,"That guy is making a stew . And he plans to put us IN the stew . We HAVE to get out of here ." I started freaking out . I tried to console myself thinking that it was just a dream and I'll wake up soon . I had probably been playing too many video games . I saw the giant turning his head towards us from the other end of the room . "Play dead ", I whispered .
We both shut our eyes and tried to relax . Did he finish with his stew making ? Was he coming for us ?
I slowly opened one of my eyes . He continued stirring his pot of broth , sitting comfortably with his back towards us .
"Okay , I got a flawless plan", Connor whispered ," You tear my ropes with your teeth and I'll free you and we'll slowly sneak out of here ."
"That's not a bad idea. Actually ,It's the worst idea you have ever come up with. I'm not an animal . And he will definitely spot us when we get to the door ."
I started looking for anything that might be of help . I saw a huge mirror placed leaning on the wall a couple of yards away from me . It's top left corner had chipped off. I searched the ground and found the chipped off part a little away from Connor 's foot . Good. I also spotted some planks of wood and a matchbox. Very good. I planned to make Connor hold the broken piece of mirror while I cut the ropes which tied my limbs using the sharp edge . Then we'll set the wood on fire and burn the cannibal . As I rejoiced about my plan , I saw the guy pick up a piece of coal right out of the fire over which his broth was cooking . I felt my heart sink . Great . He is huge AND fireproof. "Look !", Connor whispered ,"I see a few things that might be of help on that shelf attached to the wall . Only if we could somehow find a way to get there ."
Connor was right . On the topmost shelf behind the one - eyed monster , I saw a few swords , spears and other deadly weapons in a glass case.
The giant turned his head towards us. We played dead again.I hoped he wasn't done.
"He is checking on us every five minutes ", Connor whispered , "Whoa, is that a mirror ? Awesome! Because this time my flawless plan WILL work ." A mischievous grin spread across his face.
We started with Connor ' s 'flawless' plan which could go wrong any time. But we hadn't got a better option. Connor managed to hold the broken mirror's piece firmly and I set my hands free. I managed to cut the ropes binding my legs myself and then set the huge mirror in the corner in such a way that it seemed that there were two Connor s ... or maybe a Connor and a Travis . That's one of the reasons why it's cool to have a twin. You can trick people into believing that one is the other! We played lot of pranks on people with THAT advantage .
Just then I saw the giant turning his head . But I wasn't where he expected to see me. I had already reached the bottom of the shelves and all he saw was the mirror image . I hoped the monster was dumb enough not to notice that it wasn't the real me. He didn't notice . Phew. I kept one leg on the bottom most shelf and the other on the next one hoping it doesn't break under my weight or even creak . I could hear my heartbeat getting faster. It didn't make a sound.I climbed the next shelf. Then the next, until I reached the topmost shelf. My heart pounded against my chest faster than ever . I felt my sweat beading my forehead. "Any time now", the monster said with delight. I freaked and my leg slipped. I tightly held on to the shelf , trying to balance myself . He is finishing up the stew . But that wasn't why I freaked out . He spoke in my mother's voice . But...but how? Did my mom turn into this beast ? No , that is ridiculous . Was it this guy who called us to the car? Could he possibly imitate people's voice so flawlessly ? The giant's laugh brought me back to reality . Do what you are supposed to do Travis . Dream about 'crazed psychotic monsters who can also imitate voices' later. The glass case was a little towards my left . I carefully scooted . I tried to open the case but it was locked . IT WAS LOCKED ?! It's okay, calm down . I can easily break open the glass . But by the time I find something to break it with, by the time I break it and by the time I get the sword, I would probably be dead . The shattering of the glass will alert the monster and I definitely couldn't afford that. It's supposed to be a surprise attack , the only chance we've got at survival . I must give it my best shot. " And that's the last of it !", the giant cried , relishing the thought of having two poor little kids for snacks. Oh no no no . We had it planned so well . I refuse to go down at this . He won't have us . I won't let him. But panic overcame my determination. I hopelessly placed my hand on the lock and pleaded , " Please open."
Click. It unlocked . NO. FREAKING. WAY.
The giant started getting up on his feet, " Now for my favourite ingredient. The demigods!"
I quickly grabbed the hilt of a sword and lunged at the freaking cannibal. The giant looked up , but it was too late. I stabbed him right in the eye and he bellowed in pain so loudly that my ears felt like they were about to bleed. His nauseating odour filled my lungs. He tried to shake me off but I clutched his hair , slashed at his neck and in no time, he was reduced to a pile of dust. "That was AWESOME! ", Connor cheered , " Gross...but mostly awesome!." I untied Connor and we fist bumped . "Couldn't have done it without you ,man. Your 'flawless' plan actually worked," I teased.
"Well, everyone knows I'm a genius ," Connor joked. He walked up to the pile of dust," I Guess you don't need your 'favourite ingredient' anymore."
Did he just talk to a pile of dust ? Oh, well.
"I don't know about his favourite ingredient", I shrugged," But he definitely needs a shower."
Just then I heard the door creak open. A guy walked in and muttered,"I knew I smelled demigod". But he was half-donkey . Okay this was getting ridiculous . I charged at him with my sword.
"Whoa ! ", the half-boy, half - donkey and complete weirdo yelped,"What did I do?"
"You just said ' I smelled demigod' like a cat says 'I smelled a rat' ." I sneered.
Connor fake-coughed.
"What is it?" I asked, frowning.
"Well, number 1 , detectives say that, and number 2, cats don't speak."Connor smirked.
That's when I lost it.
"Well, number 1 , you're the idiot and number 2, it WAS funny. Gosh, I'm so hillarious." Connor started laughing hysterically.
The half-donkey cleared his throat," I need to take you both extraordinary kids to safety before more monsters start showing up like unwanted pop up ads. I'm Arnold by the way." He grinned and stretched out his hand as if he expected me to shake hands with him now.
"Are you trying to insult two kids with ADHD and dyslexia by calling them 'extraordinary' ? Because we've got enough of that nonsense. Just tell us what you want. If it is us that you want , then sorry , we can't help." I folded my arms and tried to look fierce and confident at the same time ,and put on a don't-mess-with-me kinda expression.
"Whatever you're trying to do with your expression , it's making you look like a silly noob", Connor commented and started laughing all over again. What the hell was wrong with him today?
"Look, I'm serious now", Arnold began but was rudely interrupted by Connor, "Yeah , serious ly crazy."
I doubted Connor was drunk.
" Sorry, I just got really excited about the whole 'defeating the monster' thingy." He apologised.
Arnold tried to speak once again," Look, you both need to come with me to camp. That is where your mom was going to send you. And trust me , I mean no harm. You both need to know more, but not now, I'll explain the rest at camp. It's for your own safety after all. "
I felt he was telling the truth. I turned to Connor and he nodded in agreement.
We took the case of weapons which Arnold guessed to be belongings of previous victims and started walking down the street. Arnold talked about how he could ask the nymphs to give us a lift , but the nymph ride not being very comfortable, then insisting on us telling our monster story, and something about Demi Lovato. But when I asked if he was a fan, he screamed that he said DEMIGOD, NOT DEMI LOVATO.
"Here we are!", Arnold spread his arms as if we were supposed to behold a hill with a pine tree on it.
"Mom will be worried about us. I think we should have at least informed her that we were with a half donkey, not that she would be pleased", I told Connor.
"GOAT ! HALF GOAT! I'm a satyr for goodness sake,"Arnold complained," Seriously , you both need to know the difference between a goat's tail and that of a donkey."
"We have better things to do than finding the difference between animal bottoms. "Connor said rolling his eyes.
"Hellhound alert!", I spotted a blonde dude signalling to us,"Hurry up!"
"Come quick, we don't have time," Arnold shoved us forward, his face pale," Up the hill, past the pine tree."
Connor and I dashed up the hill with Arnold close behind us. "Faster, go go go."
I dared not look back and kept running until we were past the tree.
"Okay you are safe now," Arnold said panting slightly.
I saw black dog kinda creatures retreating, disappointed. I noticed Arnold and the blondie staring at the top of our heads and I realised we were both glowing.
I looked at Connor 's head and above it was a glowing symbol of a sceptre with two snakes coiled around it. It slowly dimmed and then it was gone.
"That explains a lot of your story,"Arnold nodded ,"You both were successful in tricking the cyclops into believing there were two of you whereas there was only one. That is because your father is the god of trickery. You were able to climb the shelves easily because your father is also the god of athletic competitions. And you were able to unlock the glass case because your father is the god of thievery and some of his kids can break into stuff to steal things. But you should not misuse your abilities kid. Also ,your dad is the god of travel, commerce, languages, eloquent speaking, feasts, hospitality, guard dogs, birds of omen, gymnastics..."
"Whoa! Hold it. What is going on? Who is my dad?", I was getting really confused.
"Hermes,"the blonde dude answered with a warm smile," I'm Luke, your half-brother and Welcome to Camp Half-blood. "

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