1. Shania (Once Upon A Time)

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https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjEdZ3dlhbhIsaq_zg5bhJD3zN9hZsDgV2Eg&usqp=CAU(This what she look like in Once Up A Time)

com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjEdZ3dlhbhIsaq_zg5bhJD3zN9hZsDgV2Eg&usqp=CAU(This what she look like in Once Up A Time)

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Sg9MHs6snR4dJ5fxDaZQCQVO4frhoxQy8Lw7obUy16E(Her armor)

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https://straighttohellapparel.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/def_blu_wom_w_1.jpg(Her outfit in modern world time way when she go with Snow White and others save the world)

Greek Name:Shania

Modern Name: Shannon Angelos

18 in Greek time
20 in Storybrooke (as the gods and goddesses grant her be a goddess when she try save her sister and Hercules)

Greek Mythology Class Teacher


Megara (younger twin sister)

Father (unknown)

Mother (unknown)

Love Interested

Born with Godlike strength

Bow & Arrow

Fight for what's right
Helping everyone

Her family
Her friends
Her true love

Her Fears:
Losing her another family member
Losing her true love

Her Enemies:
Peter Pan
Emma Swan (when she was evil)

Goddess of Heroines (female heroes)

Her Song

"You Can't Stop The Girl"
(from "Maleficent: Mistress of Evil" soundtrack)

Oh, they're trynna shoot down angels
They're trynna pull their wings off
So they can't fly
And oh, but she's so brave though
Just like a tornado
She's taking us by storm

You can't stop the girl from going
You can't stop the world from knowing
The truth will set you free, oh
You can't stop the girl from going
You can't stop the world from knowing
The truth will set you free, oh
You can't stop the girl

They're trynna take our voices
They're trynna make our choices
So we scream loud, loud, loud
And oh, I know you feel the lightning
And it's so exciting, so here we go

You can't stop the girl from going
You can't stop the world from knowing
The truth will set you free, oh
You can't stop the girl from going
You can't stop the world from knowing
The truth will set you free, oh
You can't stop the girl

You can't stop the girl
You can't stop the girl
No you can't stop the girl

Oh, I know you feel the lightning
And it's so exciting, so here we come

(That's good enough for right now)

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