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I feel tears streaming down my face, I feel a lump start forming in my throat. I hate this feeling.
I hear footsteps getting louder and louder, then a knock, I rapidly wipe my tears and smile.
"Alarey?" My dad says "I have to go to work now, have fun and don't burn the house down!"
He says in a good mood, and he obviously says the last part sarcastically. He obviously doesn't think I'm gonna burn the house down, does he?
I completely forgot that I was sad a minute ago and I was in a better mood now.

I hear the engine of my dads car start, so I quickly run to the window and wave goodbye to him. I love my dad but other days I dislike him. He has a very stressful job as a doctor. He randomly gets calls, especially now that he works in the emergency room, and it doesn't help that my dad is a perfectionist.

My mom is a pharmacist so she gets stressed out too. They work really hard and I barely ever see them, but when I do see them it's either I spend time with them and we watch movies, or we're arguing. Most of the time I'm home alone, or I'm having an adventure. By adventure I mean going on a run and bringing my camera, to take random pictures.
I love taking pictures. I feel so relaxed when I do, I feel like all the stress has magically disappeared.
"OMG I almost forgot!" I say loudly very excited. I was printing out some pictures I took. I'm trying to fill up one of my walls up with pictures. I need about 400 pictures and I only have 100 that I really like. It's taken me about 8 months to collect 100 pictures so this might take me awhile.

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