It's going to be a long night

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I sighed.
"Well, where are we going to sle- I mean 'we' separately, not together of course. Where are we going to sleep?" while I was talking some nonsense, Robert got up and went to his office. I followed him.

We entered the office. Robert took the keys from the table and started walking to the end of the room. He stopped at a door.
Since when is there a door here? Oh God.
Robert opens the door. I go in after him, it's a small room. The room has a single bed and a shelf with tons of papers and books.

"It's been a long time since I've slept here" Robert says, pacing around the room and looking at everything around.
I looked back towards the bed and immediately noticed the handcuffs on the small locker. I went and picked them up. Looking at them, I remembered the photo I took when I first saw Robert. I always knew Robert had a lot of dark secrets. But the fact that he never showed them to me was strange. I mean, yes, he did some bad things to me, but I think it's the slightest act of his dark side.

Suddenly I realized something. No! No way!
Why didn't Robert wake me up, why didn't he leave and why did he decide that we should spend the night here? Was this all planned? Maybe he's been waiting for the right moment all this time.
I turn my head to Robert.

He's already looking at me, with his dark eyes, standing in the middle of the room. I tried not to sound scared.
"What is it for?" I ask Robert. He approaches me with slow and confident steps. He stands in front of me and takes the handcuffs from me. Then Robert gives me a fake smile.
"I guess you know the answer"
Robert bends down, opens the locker and puts the handcuffs there, closing the locker back.

Then he separates from me and points to the sofa in his office:
"I'll sleep there, and you're here"
"I can sleep on the couch, you don't have to-
"No, It's alright. Good night"
"Good night" I managed to say before Robert left.

That's it. Now it's time to sleep. I take off my clothes and sleep in a bra and underwear. Then I lie down on the bed and covered myself with blanket.

I tried to fall asleep, but I wanted to go to the toilet. I get up and cover myself with a blanket and slowly open the door.

Robert's not here. It's just his shirt and tie. He probably went to the toilet too. I don't want to go to the bathroom with a blanket, so I threw the blanket on the sofa and put on Robert's shirt. I hope he won't mind.

 I hope he won't mind

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Of course he will. But I don't care. I think I like to make Robert angry. He gets so hot when he's angry.

I'm going to the women's bathroom. There was no one in this huge building except Robert and me, so I felt a little scared. In addition, the light of the corridors was turned off, but still I was able to get to the toilet and pee. Then I walked rapidly back to Robert's office.

He's still not here. This is getting weird. Maybe something happened to Robert. Should I go check the toilet? Maybe he's not in the toilet at all? I don't know. Anyways.

I'm going to the men's toilet. I'm standing near the entrance to the toilet:

Suddenly, a hand covers my mouth. This is Robert. He pushes me against the wall, still holding my mouth. I don't know what's going on. Robert leans into my ear and whispers:
"There's someone here besides us. And I don't think it's anyone from the company. Be quiet and follow me."

I'm really scared right now. It could be a thief. He may have a gun or a knife. But to be honest, next to Robert, I'm not so scared. I have a feeling that Robert can do anything to prevent bad things from happening to me.

Robert takes careful steps towards the office and I follow him. I just now notice that Robert is without top. He's only wearing trousers.

Suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps behind us. My heart was pounding. There was a closet next to us in the hallway. Robert pushed me into the closet and came in after me himself. The closet was long, but very cramped. There was practically no area for two. I was squeezed between the closet and Robert. Robert's hands were holding the closet door from behind so that it wouldn't open. I feel almost all of Robert's organs in me. And his breath... How the hell can I think about that right now?


His Secret (Robert Downey jr. ff )Where stories live. Discover now