Chapter 1: A Wholesome College Girl (Tessa)

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Tessa fixed her eyes on the leaves

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Tessa fixed her eyes on the leaves. She liked doing this whenever she sat in the passenger seat. The leaves behaved almost like pieces of stained glass, the sunlight creating beautiful patterned shadows when one leaf lay overtop another.

Tessa broke her gaze and glanced over to her boyfriend, Noah, who was driving. He was bopping his head to some charting country song on the radio, a song about whiskey and tequila and loving your woman and God above all else. Noah didn't drink, and he wasn't particularly religious, but he was a country boy all the same. Tessa took in Noah's familiar dirty blond curls and broad shoulders. He was wearing a soft blue cardigan today, a Noah staple. She half-smiled to herself. Noah turned his head and caught Tessa staring. He smiled, quickly, before diverting his eyes back to the road. He had a nice smile. Noah was a safe driver and a good boyfriend. Tessa was grateful for Noah, but sometimes she thought she wasn't as grateful as she should be. But Noah always made her feel better about it. Noah always made Tessa feel better.

"Tessa," her mother called from the backseat. "Did you remember to pack your vacuum? God, you're so absent-minded these days."

"Mom," Tessa groaned, "I did not forget my vacuum." She turned around in her seat and was met by her mother's pointed stare. "Mom, I double-checked the packing list, like, five different times."

"Alright, alright," her mother conceded, throwing her palms up in the air to indicate surrender. "I get it, your annoying old mom's nagging is just so suffocating." Tessa's mother moved her head forward on her neck during those last two words to emphasize the burdensome quality of her maternal instincts. Tessa's mother was rolling her eyes now. "Don't worry, you'll be rid of me soon enough."

"Mom!" Tessa yelled. "Why would you say that?! You know that's not how I feel."

Tessa's mother's lips were pursed in a thin, hard line. "Sure," she said. "Whatever."

Noah moved his eyes to the rearview mirror. "Mrs. Young, Tessa didn't mean that. She's just tired, moving and all."

Tessa nodded in agreement. She was a bit tired. Even though her mother's comments always made her feel short.

"And Tessa, you know, you could be a lot nicer to your mom. Mrs. Young really cares about you. She just wants what's best for you, both of us do."

"Noah, who's side are you on, here?!" Tessa hit Noah on the shoulder.

"Ouch," Noah said. "I'm just trying to help."

"Noah, what would we do without you?" Tessa's mother smiled. Her demeanor was slightly different; her shoulders tipped forward and she lifted her chin, giggling. "And how many times do I have to tell you, don't call me Mrs. Young. I'm Carol. Please don't make me feel older than I actually am." Carol's eyes crinkled when she smiled. Mrs. Young had crow's feet.

"Get a room, you two," Tessa said, grumbling. Tessa turned her head to the window just in time to miss Carol place her hand on Noah's left shoulder. Noah leaned his head over, met Carol's weathered hand with his cheek, soft and stubbled and young. The trees really were beautiful this time of year, and the sun was high.

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