Part 4

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The archer reaper:jason been the son of the servant atalaya olso he can turn into an alter form

The incarnage rage:this is the original Jason but he have the hatsui no hado aja Evil ryu powers olso this version is more violent and merciless and combat and more wild

The duelist reaper(yu gi oh universe only):jason an yu gi oh verse

The reaper scheene:jason been the son of weiss olso wise will be less arrogant more mature ans serious and have an diferent point of view since she live an the blazblue world

The knight reaper:jason been the son of oriel from under night at birth

The puppeter reaper:this jason is the son of Alice margatoid witch means he can summor dolls to help him fight along with magic from an grimore(book) an his hands

The fith magician reaper:jason been the son of aoko aozaki olso he can time travel and use blue magic and this version is more bright and cheerful along with an very strong personality

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