Figuring out the weakness

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Daniel makes his meeting with Jessica, Liam and Lucas

Liam: why'd you call us here?

Lucas: ayy! You're not dead! Cool!

Daniel: that's nice... But I have a feeling that we can take them down

Jessica: how?! We don't have crosses or holy water!

Daniel: maybe this book can

He opens the book to show the page that has the answers to their problems

He opens the book to show the page that has the answers to their problems

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Lucas: what the?

Liam: this must be the page where the creator summons the demons to put them in suits

Daniel: exactly! The bottom of the page will tell you their weaknesses

The others starts to read the page

Jessica: Caffeinated bean water?

Liam: Carbonated fruit juice?

Lucas: I know the pepper juice but WHAT ARE THESE!?!

Daniel: I killed the cartoon frog with the bleach. So we need something that describes that item

Liam: I'm guessing coffee because it's caffeine... And it technically came from beans

Jessica: I'm guessing flavored sparkling water

Lucas: obviously it's Hot sauce! And I have a bunch of that

Daniel: great! Now we need all those in water guns! And I have those!

Liam: alright.... Let's kill some demons boys!!!

They arrive at the hotel

Daniel: the tracker says that 2 of them are at the hotel!

Lucas: let's go in!

Daniel: You and Jessica find that bear guy

Liam: alright! Let's go Jessie....

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